Author Topic: No weapon pwnage  (Read 1244 times)

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Offline Fryer

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No weapon pwnage
« on: July 05, 2008, 02:02:06 pm »
I was playing in a public CTF on ctf_Equinox and this strange bug(?) happend when you drop the weapon for no reason. I couldn't find it so I switched to my socom, got some kills, and then lost that one to. The only weapon I had was my nades. I get to the bravo flag, cap it and go down. Some enemies are chasing me so I throw some nades and they die. When I come back to the alpha base someone with a minimi is holding the red flag and a spasser is folloing behind him. I manage to get past them and kill the spasser with my nades, so I go up to the base and 5 seconds later someone kills the EFC and I can cap. :D
...PC vs Mac is like AK47 vs M4A1...
<DutchFlame`> i once heard running runescape in the background gave you a speedboost
<Mr> yes, it allocates more electrons, so there are more electrons available for Soldat -> they are streched less and it is more fluent

Soldat PolyWorks - AimMode - Aim practise gamemode script - Fryer's SoldatStream Mod

Offline STM1993

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Re: No weapon pwnage
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2008, 12:40:11 am »
Lol, you musta been very lucky. Nades are a Soldat's best friend XD

Offline chutem

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Re: No weapon pwnage
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2008, 01:21:05 am »
Lol something similar like that happened to me once, the whole match I played with nades and I came first with like 3 caps, I was raping the other team, it was 3 on 3 btw