will help.
When you have your taunt set ready, read the instructions on the page to install the taunts into Soldat. If you want to reverse back to default you can always come back to the site and copy & paste the default content.
If you want your tauntset to be a mod (where your normal Soldat will have the default taunts) just edit the taunts.txt file, and make a folder in the mods folder called "Custom taunts" and put the text file in there, open the mod in mod starter, and there you have your taunts (if you run normal soldat, the taunts will be default)
Just remember if you have a ^ in front of the text, it will be sent in team speak. (so for EFC up, you make it ^EFC up)
and if you have a / in front, it will be a command. So make a taunt /smoke and you will be able to smoke with a taunt
Hope this helps