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function OnPlayerSpeak(ID: Byte; Text: string): boolean;var votable: boolean;begin Result := false; if (BANPOINT_MAX>0)and(text[1]='!')and(killLog[ID]>0)and(voteTime[ID]<>0) then begin votable:=false; case text[2] of '1': begin WriteConsole(killLog[ID],GetPlayerStat(ID,'name')+' has forgiven you.',$EE00FFFF); votable:=true; end; '2': begin WriteConsole(killLog[ID],GetPlayerStat(ID,'name')+' has chosen to kill you.',$EE00FFFF); Command('/kill ' + inttostr(killLog[ID])); BanPoint(killLog[ID]); votable:=true; end; '3': begin BanPoint(killLog[ID]); votable:=true; end; '4': begin if survival then begin WriteConsole(killLog[ID],GetPlayerStat(ID,'name')+' has chosen to kill you on next spawn.',$EE00FFFF); spawnKill[killLog[id]]:=1; BanPoint(killLog[id]); votable:=true; end; end; end; if votable then begin WriteConsole(ID,'Vote successful.',$EE00FFFF); killLog[id]:=0; voteTime[id]:=0; end; end;end;
procedure OnLeaveGame(ID, Team: byte;Kicked: boolean);begin if (Kicked = true) then begin Command('/unbanlast'); endend;
But I still need people that are bad to get banned