If you have new ideas for the scriptcore, please post them
here. Please do check if your idea is not already written down by someone else.
This topic is to discuss each others ideas and discuss the new functions that are already noted in
the changelog. I am asuming the list is not finished, since i miss the new 'scriptpack' (wavs) functionality
I'll start of with the Mute and Flags possibilities for GetPlayerStat. Both of them seem very handy and can save us some scripting. Especially the mute is very handy, since Gmute is connected to an ip-adress. If you want to keep track of it yourself it is quite a lot of trouble.
Can anybody tell me why i would want to know the port that player uses, btw..
I'm also very happy that it's gonna be safe to use FileExists, that saves me some try-constructions.
Too bad that the gravity can only be adjusted for the whole server and not per player. Although this already opens up opportunities for new sub-games, i think that it would be way more if we would be able to adjust each players gravity.
Please discuss