IGN: L a g
XFIRE: Brokenaxis
Sluu_you@hotmail.comICQ: 470561670
Time playing soldat?: About 5 years. Just got back after a month and a half break.
Specialtys?: I specialize in secondarys, but my best primarys are Deagles, Rugger, and HK.
Average time online?: Whenever I have a chance to. Usually 2-4 hours a day.
Gametypes?: I prefer team deathmatch's, But Im also a skilled runner in CTF.
Ive been around the block a few times, and know several techniques not known by the majority of the soldat community. Friendly, team orrientated player, who is seeking a skilled clan with atleast one person online at any givin time. Also has to be active.
Thanks, contact me at my xfire Preferably. Or my MSN if Xfire is not possible.
L a g