Script By Dominik
The script will regenerate life when we are not attacked by specified time. Healing power increases with time as the battlefield. If medkitkill active this will allow players to limit the effectiveness of Barrett and the player will need to demonstrate a more economical and tactical playing.
TimeToStartHealth = 4; //Time to player must wait for start heal (*secconds)
HealthRegen = 0.015; //Valute for start heal
RegenSpeedAdd = 0.0028; //Valute for bostet heal in time
MaxHealth = 150; //If realistic 65 if normal 150
MaxSpeed = 10; //Max health valute per valute TickSpeed
TickSpeed = 1; //Ticket for adding (*60=1sec)
ScriptVersion = '0.0.1 by Dominik';//Script version
SendDebug = false; //Send healing count in console (*true*false)
KillMedkit = true; //Kill all medkit spawn and medkit on map (*true*false)