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What?I don't even know what he wants...
Size of letters can't be changed
Oh and Jupiter.. he meant ingame!There is NO way to change the console font size ingame!(As i alrdy said; only way is to use drawtext)
function OnCommand(ID: Byte; Text: string): boolean;var Name: string;begin if ID = 255 then Name := 'Server' else Name := GetPlayerStat(ID,'Name'); if Copy(Text,1,5) = '/big ' then begin if Length(Text) <= 72 then DrawText(0,Copy(Text,6,Length(Text)),Length(Text) * 10 + 100,$FFDF3CA8,4 / Length(Text),8,240 + Length(Text)) else WriteConsole(ID,'Your message was greater than 72 charactes. It was unable to be drawn.',$FFDF3CA8); WriteConsole(0,'[' + Name + '] ' + Copy(Text,6,Length(Text)),$FFDF3CA8); end;end;
function OnCommand(ID: Byte; Text: string): boolean;var Name: string;begin if ID = 255 then Name := 'Server' else Name := GetPlayerStat(ID,'Name'); if Copy(Text,1,5) = '/big ' then begin if Length(Text) <= 72 then DrawText(0,Copy(Text,6,Length(Text)),Length(Text) * 10 + 100,$FFDF3CA8,4 / Length(Text),8,240 + Length(Text)) else WriteConsole(ID,'Your message was greater than 72 charactes. It was unable to be drawn.',$FFDF3CA8); end;end;
function OnCommand(ID: Byte; Text: string): boolean;var Name: string;begin if ID = 255 then Name := 'Server' else Name := GetPlayerStat(ID,'Name'); if Copy(Text,1,5) = '/big ' then begin if Length(Text) <= 72 then DrawText(0,Copy(Text,6,Length(Text)),Length(Text) * 10 + 100,$FFDF3CA8,4 / Length(Text),8,240 + Length(Text)) else WriteConsole(ID,'Your message was greater than 72 charactes. It was unable to be drawn.',$FFDF3CA8); WriteConsole(0,Copy(Text,6,Length(Text)),$FFDF3CA8); end;end;
I'm pretty sure he wants DorkeyDear's /big script. And here it is.Code: [Select]function OnCommand(ID: Byte; Text: string): boolean;var Name: string;begin if ID = 255 then Name := 'Server' else Name := GetPlayerStat(ID,'Name'); if Copy(Text,1,5) = '/big ' then begin if Length(Text) <= 72 then DrawText(0,Copy(Text,6,Length(Text)),Length(Text) * 10 + 100,$FFDF3CA8,4 / Length(Text),8,240 + Length(Text)) else WriteConsole(ID,'Your message was greater than 72 charactes. It was unable to be drawn.',$FFDF3CA8); WriteConsole(0,'[' + Name + '] ' + Copy(Text,6,Length(Text)),$FFDF3CA8); end;end;