But that was the point exactly... The
one thing that I knew I was going to add eventually was a place where Alpha could snipe out defenders in those windows, thus giving Alpha invaders a chance to infiltrate.
If those blockers were there, Alpha might as well just walk into the base, as Bravo doesn't have much else to defend besides the bowl
. Tis a very nice idea, but it doesn't fit with my intended plan, but maybe I'll experiment with it a bit when I make the map a bit longer..
Thanks a bunch iDante, as I wasn't really expecting anyone to give feedback like that. I would take it more into consideration in any other circumstance.
Here's how I now continue. A little middle bunker to provide a small snipe-point for Alpha, and two more windows for Bravo. Still need to add yet another small place for Alpha to pick off Bravo units in the, now, middle bunker, but it might not be necessary as I will probably make sufficient cover for Alpha in the open areas: