Subject 2: SceneryScenery is like the seasoning on a map. Even if you create a really wondreful layout, and even shade it well, bad scenery can ruin it completely, but good scenery can compliment a good map perfectly. There are three points to remember when scenerizing a map:
Gameplay Effect.
Gameplay Effect:Although most don't realize it, scenery can be very influential on gameplay and on the balance of a map. The main effect it has is on camping and visibility, and if done inproperly, it can make a map nigh unplayable. The easiest way to look at scenery is by the degree of it's effect on gameplay. Here's an example of all three types.
High - Large effect on gameplay.Mid - Medium effect on gameplay.Low or None - Little or no effect on gameplay.The Bunker has a large effect on gameplay, because it is midlevel, so the player can hide behind it, and is completely opaque. Thus a player crouching or proning behind it has the ability to completely hide and camp from there. Scenery like this should be avoided, and should be incredibly sparse if they even are in the map.
The two bushes on the right have a moderate effect on gameplay, because although you can hide behind them, they have gaps that partially expose the player at all times. Additionally, the bush on the far right is set to 90% opacity, so a moving or even neutral player should be at least somewhat noticeable behing it.
The remaining two, the bushes on the left and the Tree in the middle barely affect gameplay. The ones on the left are set to back, so their presense is merely asthetic. The tree in the center is a different case, because although it is set to middle, and is fully opaque, there is no way to completely hide one's soldat, and thus it's effect on gameplay is minimal.
Although back scenery are usually safe from effecting gameplay, this is not always the case. If misused, background sceneries can have the severe negative effect of making it difficult to see bullets due to lack of contrast. This makes one vulnerable to snipers and attacks from behind, and couses general confusion. Below is an example of what should generally be avoided.
Visuals like this should be generally avoided, because they make gameplay quite unpleasant. The same concept applies for background colors, which can be just as bad as scenery for causing this.
Look forward to part 2 coming soon...