Ahoihoi! Dlt from Omnipotent International Clan. We've just released a few of our latest uh...project addon? lol
Let me start off with mIRC. in #nolmt (omni's HQ channel) we give free sBNC's, if you don't know what it is, don't ask for it!
You can easily request for your own account by simply asking in the channel, or posting in the forums.
Secondly, we just launched our latest website
www.omni-gaming.net, coded & scripted by Fiskr, BWD Productions... The website alone is not just for our use, but for everyone's, we welcome, and hope that other clans come and join the project, there's loads of stuff for clan use. Admins can simply add your clan to the clan list, and you can start showing off your mad skills. The website also holds small cups, & leagues (but not as complex or as big as SCTFL).
It is not 100% complete, but it is complete enough for launching
so please do check it out and discuss, what we should add, what we should take out.