Saw is fine, as there arent that much saw users, and the reload is rarely made.
I was using the following scheme for realistic trenchwars:
Deagles- 3 bullets for kill, 9 kills with 28
Mp5- 10 bullets for kill, 9 kills with 90
Ak- 7 bullets for kill, 10 kills with 70
Aug- 10 bullets for kill, 9 kills with 90
Spas- Didnt changed it from STM's post, as it isnt temporarly used
Ruger- 2 bullets for kill, 8 kills with 16 bullets // Typo, fixed now
M79- 1 bullet for kill, 7 kills with 7 bullets // Trenchwars, so M79 is op
Barret- 2 bullets for kill, 10 kills with 20 bullets
Minimi- 10 bullets for kill, 10 kills with 100 bullets /movementacc is fault for that, as you cant avoid it with bink because of recoil
Minigun- 50 bullets for kill, 8 bullets with 400 bullets
Law- 1-2 shots for kill, 5-7 kills with 7 bullets
Socom- 10 bullets for kill, 6 kills with 60 bullets
Chainsaw- Not possible to determine, depends on the user
Fixed one:
4 // Desert Eagles
3 // MP-5
2 // AK-74
3 // Steyr AUG
21 // Spas-12 /IGNORE THIS
4 // Ruger
7 // M79
2 // Barret M82A1
2 // FN Minimi
4 // Minigun
7 // M72 Law
6// USSocom
10 // Chainsaw