Author Topic: Soldat Hall of Fame  (Read 978 times)

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Offline Poop

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Soldat Hall of Fame
« on: February 15, 2009, 10:52:00 pm »
If anyone remembers the old Soldat Hall of Fame that was created by Ok, you will also remember that it died after a month due to some ridiculous rules and an overly beauracratic system which prevented things from happening quickly and smoothly. I have decided to create a soldat hall of fame that will be much more simple.

Basic Information

Who: The administrators of the soldat hall of fame will be Xurich and Myself. We will choose 25 judges who will vote on nominees which will be decided by Xurich and Myself. The 25 judges will vote once every month on a list we provide them. Me and xurich have no votes and thus do not impact the hall of fame in any way other than choosing the judges and nominees every month. To apply for a position of Judge, please fill out the application at the bottom of this post and PM it to me.

What: The soldat hall of fame is essentially a place to enshrine anything worth looking back on, and anything worth remembering for future players. This can include everything from Players, Clans, Mods, Maps, Movies, Communities, and so on. The only criteria to be considered to the hall of fame is whether it is worth remembering or not.

When: The soldat hall of fame will begin voting in march or april depending on how quickly we can choose the judges and set it up.

Where: The soldat hall of fame will be run and maintained on the SCTFL Forums: . To apply for judge, you must make an account on the SCTFL forums.

A much more detailed post related to how exactly it will be run will soon be made on the SCTFL forums.

To apply for judge, Please read the following paragraph and fill out the application below it and send it to me in PM.

In general, we are looking for people that have played for quite some time, because we will be nominating things that newer players may not know of. Players should be somewhat active (If you miss a vote you will be kicked off the judge team). We are also looking for people that are involved in many communities and are knowledgeable of soldat history. Our goal when picking judges is to get as much representation as possible, so we will probably attempt to choose some people from every part of the community.

Application -
SCTFL Username: What is your username on the SCTFL Forums?
Player Name: Post the name you are known by
Soldat Experience: How long have you played soldat
Community Experience: Which soldat communities you are involved in and how
Optional Comment: Aside from your Soldat and community experience, why do you think you'll make a good judge? If you believe that me and xurich do not know you well or do not know who you are, it will be better if you write a small summary here. Please do not write an essay, 1 paragraph will do.

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Offline Lumen-Shroom

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Re: Soldat Hall of Fame
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2009, 10:55:13 pm »
SneakyG better be on here

Offline Avarax

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Re: Soldat Hall of Fame
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2009, 06:53:58 am »
SCTFL Username: Avarax if I recall correctly.
Player Name: Avarax
Soldat Experience: I play since 1.1.4 or 1.1.3
Community Experience: I have gone through several more or less well known clans (2Wai, Ox, PaK, DD*, DoG) while never being much into leagues, clanwars and the actual competitive scene. Much rather did I like to belong to a certain channel on IRC.

Although I haven't made a map for ages, I would say that I contributed quite a bit to the mapping community in its earlier stages. My main achievements were the CS mappack for the R/S mode, the Map of the Month award and the introduction of Soldat climb maps (pain in the ass without map downloads from server :D)

I've started scripting about two years ago and developed two full game modifications, namely MMod and Hexer. Hexer to my knowledge is the most played and oldest full game modification script. It has its very own community into which i've isolated myself from usual Soldat.
Don't expect me to know anything about present events. But I do remember the good old days ;D
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Offline Poop

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Re: Soldat Hall of Fame
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2009, 05:49:54 pm »
Detailed Rules on how the hall of fame will work have been posted:

Nominating Items:

* The Soldat Hall of Fame deliberations will be public, other than when judges vote. What this means is that if there is anyone that believes that a certain item should be inducted into the hall of fame, they can make a thread on the forum and post their arguments as to why it should be inducted. Other people can then argue, agree, or respond to these threads. Judges will be reading these threads and should be using them as a source when making their judgments as to whether an item will be inducted or not.

* There will be 1 vote per month. Each month the list of nominees will be chosen by the Soldat Hall of Fame Administrators (Xurich and Poop). The Administrators will heavily take these public deliberations and threads into account when deciding on the final list of nominees which is forwarded to the Judges.

Inducting Items:

* Judges will have the option to vote 1 of 3 ways. They can either vote 'Yes', 'No' or 'Abstain'. Yes votes mean that the judge believes the specific item should be inducted into the hall of fame. No votes mean that the judge believes the specific iterm should NOT be inducted into the hall of fame. Abstain votes mean that the judge is either undecided about the specific item, or does not have sufficient knowledge of the item to make a decision on whether or not it should be inducted.

* When votes are tallied, Abstain votes will be removed from the final count of votes. What this means is that if 17 Judges vote yes for an item, 3 Judges vote no, and 5 judges vote Abstain, the final tally of votes will simply be 17-3 in favor of yes. Abstain votes are excluded.

* To be inducted into the Soldat Hall of Fame, an item needs atleast 75% yes votes in the final tally and atleast 15 yes votes in the final tally.
EXAMPLE An Item Receives 14 yes votes, 1 no vote, and 10 abstain votes. The item has received 93% (14/15) Yes votes in the final tally, however it has not received the 15 yes votes to be inducted. Items must fulfill both requirements to be inducted into the Hall of fame.

Miscellaneous Information:

* Judges are required to vote every month. If a judge misses a vote they will be kicked off the judge team and can never  rejoin. The Soldat Hall of Fame administrators will decide on and maintain the judge list.

The soldat hall of fame rules can and probably will be changed in the future.

(Obviously, the whole object here is simplicity so we dont get bogged down in unnecessary bureaucracy)
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."
-Albert Einstien