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Also check case sensitivity and proper path if the server is running linux; the correct name is (I believe) Maps/Arena.PMS
Would help to see the PHP code; since the server is hardcoded to send STARTFILES\r\n and ENDFILES\r\n regardless of what happens with the data in between, I would lean to it being a problem in the PHP code, such as accidently parsing data inside the map file as text and splitting it at a linefeed, or not reading all the data waiting, or some other such thing. However, the file sending code has been rewritten for 1.5.0 so any bugs present will be fixed upon the release of that.Also check case sensitivity and proper path if the server is running linux; the correct name is (I believe) Maps/Arena.PMS
<?phprequire 'class_Lobby.php';set_time_limit(0);$folder = 'E:/Map Downloads/';$timeout = 2;echo "\n:::: S.M.D.B. - Soldat Map Download Bot ::::\n";$lobby = new SoldatLobby();echo "-> " . $lobby -> count . " server online\n";for ($i = 0; $i < $lobby -> count; $i++){ if (!file_exists($folder . $lobby -> servers[$i]['Map'] . '.PMS')) { $address = $lobby -> servers[$i]['IP']; $port = $lobby -> servers[$i]['Port'] + 10; echo "\n-> [$i] Connecting to $address\n"; if(!$sock = @fsockopen($address, $port, $errno, $errstr, 3)) { echo "-> Connection failed\n"; continue; } else { echo '-> Connection established' ."\n"; $newmap = $lobby -> servers[$i]['Map'] . '.PMS'; fwrite($sock, "maps/$newmap\n"); stream_set_timeout($sock,$timeout); $info = stream_get_meta_data($sock); $data = ''; $map = ''; while (($data != "ENDFILES\r\n") && (!$info['timed_out'])) { $data = @fgets($sock, 2048); switch ($data) { case "STARTFILES\r\n": { break; } case "maps/$newmap\r\n": { echo "<- Receiving $newmap ..."; break; } case "ENDFILES\r\n": { echo " done"; break; } default: { $map .= $data; } } $info = stream_get_meta_data($sock); } } if ($info['timed_out']) { echo "\n-> Connection timed out\n"; continue; } else { $newmap = preg_replace('/[*:?"<>|\/]/', '_', $newmap); if (!$handle = fopen($folder . $newmap, "w")) { echo "Could not open $newmap to write\n"; } else { if (fwrite($handle, $map)) { echo "-> Map saved to $folder\n"; fclose($handle); } } fclose($sock); } }}?>
<?phpclass SoldatLobby{ private $address; private $port; private $timeout = 5; private $sock; public $servers = array(); public $count; function SoldatLobby() { $this -> address = 'rr.soldat.pl'; $this -> port = 13073; if (!$this -> connect()) { echo " failed\n"; exit(); } else { echo " success\n"; $this -> send_request("e©42©0©0©0©0©0©0©0©0©0©0©-1©0\n"); $this -> parse_lobbyinfo(); } fclose($this -> sock); } private function connect() { echo "-> Setting up lobby connection ..."; if ($this -> sock = @fsockopen($this -> address, $this -> port)) { return TRUE; } } private function send_request($req) { return fwrite($this -> sock, $req); } private function receive_packet() { stream_set_timeout($this -> sock, $this -> timeout); $info = stream_get_meta_data($this -> sock); while ((!feof($this -> sock)) && (!$info['timed_out'])) { $packet = @fgets($this -> sock, 2048); $info = stream_get_meta_data($this -> sock); return trim($packet); } if ($info['timed_out']) { fclose($this -> sock); exit(); } } private function parse_serverinfo($info) { $info = explode('©', $info); if ($info[0] != 'g') { return NULL; } else { $server['Name'] = $info[8]; $server['IP'] = $info[2]; $server['Port'] = $info[3]; $server['Map'] = $info[7]; return $server; } } private function parse_lobbyinfo() { $packet = explode('©', $this -> receive_packet()); echo "-> Parsing lobby info ..."; if ($packet[0] != 'f') { fclose($this -> sock); echo " failed\n"; exit(); } $this -> count = $packet[1]; for ($i = 0; $i < $this -> count + 1; $i++) { $info = $this -> receive_packet(); if ($info == "h©©©©©") { break; } $server = $this -> parse_serverinfo($info); if ($server == NULL) { break; } else { $this -> servers[] = $server; } } echo " done\n"; }}
STARTFILES\r\n<map name>\r\nENDFILES\r\n
STARTFILES\r\n<map name>\r\n
To server:STARTFILES\r\n<filename 1>\r\n<filename 2>\r\n...<filename n>\r\nENDFILES\r\nFrom server:STARTFILES\r\n<total size of all files as 4 byte integer><filename 1>\r\n<size of file 1 as 4 byte integer><file 1 data><filename 2>\r\n<size of file 2 as 4 byte integer><file 2 data>...<filename n>\r\n<size of file n as 4 byte integer><file n data>ENDFILES\r\n