For a first map it is really good, but I see there some things you could improve on this map:
- you wanted the gameflow to be with much speed, but going on lower route with this amount of speed is not good possible, because you´ve got there those bars looking like this "/" .You hang aroung there often at playing if you run into it, I would suggest just to move one edge of the poly into the other direction
- when you look on the map, it looks some kind of boring, I would suggest to give it some more scenery espicially on the lower route
- on normal ctf-maps the routes have special gameflows, you have to two speedroutes and one jetting route (fast too). For this I would suggest to make it a bit harder to take the lower route by giving it some gaps with ramps to come over them. On low route you can spray so easily, that sawing is just shit on this route, I think online a player could take a second minigun and spray lower route all over, that would be very annoying
-polysupport: polygons with doesnt collide are a good element for making a map interesting! Look on polysupport and polyart on some maps by chakapokomaker, many of his maps you can find on the default maplist so you can find him easily (e.g. Ash ). Work on your polysupport for the top route and think about support for the lower route, that would be good
To come to an end: I am making at the moment a remake of Laos, too, you can find a screen of it in the attachment
Anyway, good work till now