Just a few things I want to slap down in celebration of the new version.
The mechanism for flag throwing is really inconsistent and buggy, even for passing the flag to teammates within the base. I definitely think it's fun, but I do believe there should be an option for close range passing. I think it would be a good idea if you could "hand-off" the flag to teammates very close by. So say if you initiated the throw command if you are very close to a teammate, they would automatically catch it. This would really help faulty throws and such. I could also see it being used to do hand-offs similar to football to make strategic plays with your teammates that could be executed over and over.
Second, I don't see why weapons are "hidden" when they are dropped. Most weapons sink well below the outer layer of each polygon, so it becomes very hard to distinguish where a dropped weapon is. I don't know whether it is designed this way to either keep the play fields clean or to add a factor of luck into picking up guns. Either way, it really takes the heat out of battles when someone drops a weapon and they can't find it (although it does look hilarious). I think dropped weapons should be visible enough on the ground to be able to tell which weapon is which. This would also give an incentive to people in a battle who have ran out of ammo on their current gun to use a last resort and pick up a weapon to fight with. It would also make game play more complex as people using 2 guns would be more prominent and strategies could be built around such.
I'll add some more later, thanks for reading.