I was on bravo on ctf_run and anyway, it was the last 30 seconds of the match, and it was tied 6-6. i was currently in the bottom lane, jumping up into the alpha area just as a teamate got the flag out of there and went middle lane. i tried to boost him with the m79 i was carrying becuase a m79'er was behind him, but shot ahead of him, slowing him down. the alhpa m79'er behind him shot him. then, my m79 reloaded and i shot right before he was about to get the flag, but it missed him, and hit the flag boosting it away from him. i jumped infront of him, grabed the flag as a alpha came in from the top but a bravo on the right who just came in intercepted him. i ran for it, proberlay the best thing i could do. the last 15 seconds our flag was taken, and i was returing to base to stand over where flag would appear. a teammate shouted 'low' and in the last 5 seconds the flag was returned, and we scored, and assured our victory over alpha.