It happened today, and when it happens again (which it will) I'll post some screens as I forgot to.
What happens:
-I got to modlauncher.exe and run it.
- I select"Soldat 2057AD", and run it.
-An error message pops up with the words "No visibilty on hide error" on it (There's more of course, but I'll post it ASAP).
-There are no maps in the"Start Game" section, it's blank.
-I went to "Join Game" and a rude "Access Violation" comes up. No servers appear.
-I then exit, which prompts another access violation.
-I then restart soldat 2057AD, it works fine.
It's happened before, and not just for 2057AD, normal soldat 1.5 gets it as well. It only happens the first time I load up soldat as well, though mostly I never have any problems.