Spas would make a nice force push, if damage was decreased and projectiles invisible.
Knife as lightsaber, saw as lightning. Having saber as saw would make little sense, as you'd have an activated lightsaber strapped to your back when not using it. As knife, it also allows those leet saber throws. Make the knife draw sound the lightsaber activation sound, you're done.
Would be interesting having a saber fight, as if all the guns (spells) were invisible, you wouldn't know what spell your opponent had until they used it. Also interesting if all the spells were non-lethal, just abilities you could use. Barrett becomes force sight, etc.
Maybe have two modes, one for saber fights where all guns are nonlethal force spells and one for battles with laser guns.
[Disarm or Force Punch]
Ammo=3 //to make sure it will work
ReloadTime=200 //keep it to occasional use
Speed=300 //accuracy