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not sure if this has been done before, but something i thought would be interesting. so you'd have a map with a sort of "tower" like this: __ _|_|_ _|____|_ _|_______|_|__________|(you'd need more layers than shown here for this to work well)it would have to work like DM (ie all players can kill each other). so the idea is simple - all players spawn in the bottom tier. when one player kills another, he moves up a level, and the killed player will respawn at the bottom. first player to the top wins. perhaps players could be given different weapons depending on what level they're at (eg fists on the bottom, socom at the next level, etc)
My new password is secure as shit Mate, I am not sure Shit is even secured nowadays.
If I have a right, I would not like any of my ideas to be implemented in any scripts, as any could be potentially be put into any scripts that I and someone else, maybe, makes.