Basically, ability to create and delete folders
[create], delete files
retrieve file size off of a file
I would guess this would have to be done using shell_exec, and since I have hardly any experience with shell on either windows nor linux, here is a request for anybody who bored.
procedure (Create|Delete)(File|Folder)(const Filename: string); // or maybe return a boolean for success or not, or throw an exception if failure
function Filesize(const Filename: string): cardinal?;
(aka 5 different procedures/functions)
I'm also curious if it is possible to append text at the end of a file using shell, as that would be useful as well.
Windows higher priority than linux in this case, but preferred to work under both. (may need a check, there a built in variable containing the OS)
EDIT: I just remembered that shell_exec's return value is an integer.. I'm not certain about what it can be used for, but in regards to filesize and stuff, if worst comes to worst, create a temporary file and put it there, set the result to the contents of that file, and then delete the file.
EDIT2: As mentioned in IRC, other useful things: procedure Rename(const FileDir: string); procedure Copy(const File1, File2: string);
EDIT3: I found out what the prefix should be to fix the 8-letter all caps issue - prefix everything with "cmd /c " (excluding the quotes), thanks to Shoozza many months ago.