Author Topic: Conspiracy in the Midst of Propaganda  (Read 3307 times)

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Re: Conspiracy in the Midst of Propaganda
« Reply #40 on: November 24, 2009, 12:59:26 pm »
But that's just it! I am trying to see through the deception. The sad thing is, we can't change much of anything... so what I am doing really doesn't get me anywhere. It is still important to recognize these things though.

You are wrong... dead wrong. You can change anything you want, you just have to know how to do it. Here in Canada a small movement was started to challenge our hypocritical animal cruelty laws and to dissolve industrial farming and meat production back into something that is civilized and not a holocaust to animals. This is a movement that is slowly growing. We're not against eating meat like a bunch of hippies, rather we would like to see old school farming methods and free run live stock come back. This movement could take 20 to 50 years to finally force the meat industry to change. There are 3 large factors in the way: Money - it's cheaper to raise and slaughter animals in a "factory", Public Interest - most are blatantly ignorant of where their food comes from, but slowly people are becoming more and more aware if not reluctantly that our current methods are cruel and also has caused some nasty bugs and scares - such as Mad Cow, and lastly - pretty much "way of life"... there is no money in small farms or small operations and 87% of the population live in urban dwellings. The last factor is the biggest factor to change above all. Back in the old old days, a small family could live off a tiny farm with a couple of acres and a handful of animals - in luxury. There was no 9-5 40 hour work weeks. Besides feeding and seasonal planting and harvesting schedules, you could go fishing all day if you wanted most of the time.

Of course this is all my opinion. Even if that possibility came back and it was an easy lifestyle again - compared to the fast fun life of a city - I don't know how much interest there would be. But, I do know for one thing, that there would still be enough small farmers to keep meat on the table for everyone - and that product would be natural - from a healthy happy animal... not a miserable animal, in a windowless barn filled with ammonia from the all the shit it's standing in, susceptible to any bug in the air as it has no immune system - because it's constantly fed medicated feed and hormones.

Take my word for it, when you get older, you'll start seeing things more clearly. There are no big conspiracies. No one is out to get you... in fact, very little care about you when it comes to political interest. At the moment, money does make the world go around - it is a necessary evil for the time being. Why? Well, despite that humans surpassed all other animals in intelligence and advanced to the being we are today - we are still beings with animal instincts. We are still primitive when it comes to emotion, hunting instincts, greed, etc. Greed is something that could stay with us for a couple of million years before we finally figure out, "hey we CAN share and still be happy ourselves". At the moment we also have no other system in place that would allow us to be able to live the same free and mostly healthy life we live now. No one has ever come up with any other successful model for an economy and way of living that could replace our left-over from the industrial age we have now. Yeah, Marx had a few good points, but in the end, communism can't work unless everyone is willing to commit to the system.

As for me, I wouldn't fully commit. Why? I don't owe anyone else anything. I live my life for myself. My only ambition in life is to live it as full as possible, have as much fun and sex as I can and be healthy and comfortable. BUT, move a nuke reactor in my backyard and I will not only fight for myself, but for my neighbors and others in the area and I'll fight for keeping a risk of contaminating the place I live in - out. I fight for the environment when I need to. I AM part of the movement I spoke of above. I know I'm not contributing as much as I could be - because of my own ambitions, but I am doing something and my voice is among the growing chorus that is getting louder year by year. Sometimes, just doing a little is all you can do... but it is something.
"Evil will always triumph, because Good is dumb." - Dark Helmet

Offline Blacksheepboy

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Re: Conspiracy in the Midst of Propaganda
« Reply #41 on: November 24, 2009, 06:51:04 pm »
Even if that possibility came back and it was an easy lifestyle again

you are over-glorifying the "old days." just thought I'd point that out first

I fight for the environment when I need to.

As long as you're not a global warming junkie, I can agree with reasonable protection of the environment.

No one is out to get you... in fact, very little care about you when it comes to political interest.

I am aware that me, as an individual, is not being hunted. Keep in mind a lot of individuals make up the whole ::)

Take my word for it, when you get older, you'll start seeing things more clearly.

Tell that to all the supposedly knowledgeable "older" people out there.

There are no big conspiracies.

Maybe not in Canada, and no offense. But the US has a couple its belt, that's for sure.
« Last Edit: November 24, 2009, 06:59:54 pm by Blacksheepboy »