Author Topic: Access violations from killing or from being killed by people with long names  (Read 997 times)

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Offline Amida

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I've had this problem for a while so I followed this:

Access violation when pressing T or F1 / when killed by player with name longer than 20 chars
Also, for people that get an error after pressing T or F1,
go to Soldat\Txt, open fonts.ini and change FontMenuSize
to FontMenuSize=13 (or higher number)
if that doesnt help change
FontConsoleSize=9 (or 10 or higher)

But this did not help my problem.

So I decided to look in my Soldat folder to see if I could fix the problem myself and I did. This is how I did it:
1. Open the Soldat folder (make sure Soldat is not running first).
2. Open the Txt folder.
3. Open the text file 'default'.
4. Change 'Killed by %s' to 'Kb: %s'.
5. Change 'You killed %s' to 'Yk: %s'.
6. Save and close the file.

As you can see I just shortened the killed by and the you killed. I think my Soldat wouldn't allow so many letters across the screen at a time so it gave me an access violation error.

I decided to post this because I thought it might be able to help other people having this error. Also I apologise if someone has already posted something similar to this.

Offline Parqour16

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thank you this was very helpful!