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Last year, I dreamt I was pissing at a restroom, but I missed the urinal and my penis exploded.
function OnPlayerCommand(ID: byte; Text: string): boolean;begin Result := false; if Text = '/lol' then WriteConsole(0, IDToName(ID) + ' is laughing out loud!! XD LOL?!?', $FFFF00);end;
const BotsPerPlayer = x; // bots added per player MaxPlayers2 = y; // max players on servervar Bot: array[1..MaxPlayers2] of array[1..BotsPerPlayer] of byte; i, j: byte;procedure OnJoinGame(ID,Team: byte);begin for i:= 1 to MaxPlayers2 do if Bot[i][1] = 0 then begin Bot[i][1]:= Command('/addbot2 Zombie'); ... // here go commands adding bots Bot[i][BotsPerPlayer]:= Command('/addbot2 Zombie'); break; end;end;procedure OnLeaveGame(ID, Team: byte; Kicked: boolean);begin for i:= 1 to MaxPlayers2 do if Bot[i][1] > 0 then begin for j:= 1 to BotsPerPlayer do begin KickPlayer(Bot[i][j]); Bot[i][j]:= 0; end; break; end;end;