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Offline Horve

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« on: January 24, 2010, 01:10:33 pm »

Below: things from the videos, couldn't find a transcript and had to write stuff down (pretty much notes) to memorize at least a fraction. Simple explanation: If you can't be arsed to watch the videos, read below. If you read things below and do not comprehend anything or it is too long, watch the videos.

“One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.” - Plato
"Seek not abroad, turn back into thyself, for the inner man dwells the truth" - St. Augustine

Holocaust = burn sacrifice offering
Nazi = anunnaki
Ostara = Himmler influence
Templar -> illuminati originated

Socialism = a country owns everything of yours
gifts of god? = omnipresence, omniscience, omnipotence <= goal of mystic religions => paganism?
Every political establishment / military uniforms has/have ancient symbols (a life taken at a specific place, time and manner becomes a sacrifice)

March 20, 2003 5:50 - March 21
The Eve of Ostara - Spring/Vernal equinox - Gaia, Day of Feast.
 -> may 1 - give blood to Earth to sustain fertility.

Over 80% of the population gets their world news directly from mainstream media.
Same people who own media corps control what you get to know.

87% of people formulate their ideas based on the ideas of other people.
Only 13% generate their ideas based on logic and evaluation.
Groupthink - a group not willing to look beyond the overall consensus of the herd. It is a type of thought exhibited by group members who try to
minimize conflict and reach consensus without critically testing, analyzing, and evaluating ideas.
(Religion and politics are forms of groupthink. Patriotism and faith ultimately mean blind submission. Questioning the words of your leader is herecy
or unpatriotic. The fear of upsetting the superior higher power has forced the herd to practice groupthink regardless of what it leads to.)

Conspiracy theories- supposed to sound made-up. Facts were added or omitted, some true, some not. Best coverup is to embellish or cover up a story until it
sounds ridiculous. secrets-> government-> mainstream media-> majority of opinion -> people are made to look stupid when considering conspiracy theories.

Goal of population reduction - 1962 -> total global implementation of Codex Alimentarius in 2009. Administrated by WHO and funded.
In 1994 Codex declared nutrients and vitamins to be toxins.
Every dairy cow must be treated with Monsantos Bovine Growth Hormone. Every animal used for food on the planet must be treated with subclinical antibiotics
and exogenous growth hormones. Epidem. estimate that global implem. 2009 will result in a minimum of 3 billion deaths. 1b of simple starvation, next 2b from
preventable diseases of undernutrition.

Fluoride- 66% of US water is fluoridated. Ingestion of fluoride - most toxic ionic molecule? Fluoride = antidepressants. No biological benefits.
Gulag = fluoridation of water, no aggression. Prozac? 98% of Western Europe has rejected water fluoridation.

Aspartame - Low-sugar, sugarfree sweetener = methanol+ asp. acid, Serious side effects.

Agenda 21 - Elimination of middle class. 6 bil. people = world can't support. Education control, population control. Estimated 500 000 000 = pop. limit.
1996 sustainable development, agenda 21. 16 commandments to replace the 10 original. Smart growth programme. Water consumption -90%, food gen.
manipulated. 2003 June - gene seqence changed crops' genetic order = instability. IUCN = scientific advisor for UN. Nature's needs come before
humans' = nature = god. Overpop. solutions = 5-7b people must be agric. Only 1b may exist = if industrial lifestyle.

Global warming - 19 000 scientists do not agree that we are causing global climate change (Oregon petition). Complete fallacy. 4000 to 2000 years ago
the average world temp. has been decreasing. According to Al Gore, global warming does not involve you. It involves massive land reposession and limitations
on water and food. 1992 Kyoto Treaty = every country must drast. reduce the usage of fos. fuels. 2012 implem. deadline of Agenda 21. UN attempts to disarm
the nations. "Armed to the teeth" = demonizing gun ownership? UN would have all military power = UN peace force. All nations will hand over their military forces
to a global united military.

National debt - amount of money in circulation is not able to cover the national debt. North Am. Union. Amero = proposed currency in the North Americas.
Domination of government by businesses is fascism.

William Cooper (shot dead in 2001)

False rebellion- no knowledge, no consciousness. Denouncing authority is the latest fashion. Screaming words into a megaphone that had been borrowed from others' research.
False rebellion - illusion of being free and thinking for yourself. Those who end up following you =  quit following you and start leading.
When you sign working papers you agree to be a representative of a corp or entity. Signing= You are waiving your rights of a natural person and become an artificial
person who is not protected by the constitution. First letter of your first and last name capitalized = Capitus Diminutia Minima = a man's familiy relations
alone were changed. Last name in capital letters = Cap. Dimin. Media = man loses rights of citizenship but not his rights to liberty (can be fined/ penalized).
Entire name capitalized = Cap. Dimin. Maxima = man's condition changes from freedom to bondage. All rights of citizenship and family are surrendered.
Fined, imprisoned, enslaved on state's suggestion.
There are two kinds of law: civil law = the law of the land. Maritime admiralty law= banking law (a body of private
international law governing the relationships between private entities which operate vessels on the oceans.)
CERTIFICATE: Paper establishing an ownership claim. Everyone with a birth certificate is defined as being owned (by whom?).
People can be used as collateral with other nations because the US is bankrupt, which was declared in March 9th, 1933.
Loans were taken from Federal Reserve, using citizens as collateral. Warehouse receits = marriage and birth certs.
Date of issue, serial number, registration number, descr. of the product.

Only cap. letters can be dealt with banks and government.
Natural person right: Life, security and property. Can never be deprived of them unless you agree to.

April 19th = Day of sacrifice made by fire.
Waco, Texas, April 19th, 1993
Oklahoma City bombing, April 19th, 1995

Global warming - Kyoto Treaty, Agenda 21
Sept. 11th 2001 - PATRIOT act
Illegal drugs - WAVE program
violence & crimes - increased police force
LA 1997 shootout - armour piercing rifles to police forces
Gulf War - oil fields
Invasion of Panama - overthrow gvt. and regain econ. control

1. Unfortunate event makes ww news and scares/angers the public
2. Expansion of government and destruction of the Constitution

Rutherford - Space and time are illusions of perception. Human bodies can not be a reality if they occupy the space.
The interior of an atom is almost completely empty space. Our true consciousness does not exist in our brains or our bodies?
Consciousness shapes our reality. Our bodies are merely vessels for our spirits that collect experience for the divine mind.
Inate knowledge helps species to evolve naturally into more complex organisms. 1952 100th monkey effect - a certain % of monkeys learned
a new trait = knowledge became an inate ability in that species.

Everything in our existence has a natural vibration to it. 7 chakra points? 1 chakra point on each continent.
Root/Base chakra in California;
sacral chakra in Mount Sun, lake Titicaca, S-Am;
Solar plexus chakra in Australia;
Heart chakra in England;
Throat chakra in Egypt (pyramids of Giza);
Brow chakra in Iran;
Crown chakra in Tibet;

In the core of our earth there is an iron crystal that resonates at 7Hz
Physical manifestation of emotions: awareness of emotions?
emotions vibratory frequency - only 2 primary emotions: fear (slow freq.)and love (high freq.), others branch out of those two.
Fear is a long slow wave of an emotion.
Love - short wavelength, higher freq.

Phantom DNA experiment: Photons were inserted and scattered into a vacuum tube. DNA sample was added.
Particles of light aligned themselves along the axis of the DNA. When the DNA was removed, light particles remained aligned to the same form.
Emotions directly influence the structure of our DNA.
2012 - magn. field decreasing. Bodies respond to an electromagn. pulse. Zero point. Cellular level. Cells receive pulse from the brain, it from the heart,
the heart from the Earth. We aren't meant to repress any negative emotions as it causes imbalance. Always happy, never angry... To conquer our emotions,
we must embrace them, acknowledge them, allow them to serve their purpose as we learn from them, not fight them. By fearing something you give others
the ability to control you based on those fears. By fighting against poverty or for a relationship, you are trying to conquer emotions, which are supposed
to be conquered inwardly, outwardly. The physical world is a manifestation of either fear or love in your consciousness. To know what your inner fears are,
analyze your ambitions and inhibitions.


Evolution is a word to describe the self, the self is the alpha and the omega, god and infinity. Nothing goes through evolution alone without direct benefit
to the whole. Instead of panicking about world tyranny, listening to what is wrong and how exactly to fix might me a better idea.

The Earth is believed to have formed 4.6 billion years ago. Within the first 150 million years it began cooling and releasing gases in the litosphere,
which created the earliest forms of Earth's atmosphere. Prior to that, Sun's ultraviolet rays made for uninhabitable conditions. As the Earth turned cooler,
water condensed in the atmosphere (4.1b) and oxygen accumulated, making way for organic compounds. This spawned single-cell organisms and plantlife. Down
through time, the evolutionary chain continued.
Homo Sapiens' gestation period of 9 months mimicks the 3.8 billion year evolution of all life on Earth. The human embryo repeats the evolution of all species.
When the sperm and egg unite, this new creation is a single-cell organism. Within hours, the single cell divides and multiplies more rapidly than any other
species. 4 weeks later the embryo begins to develop gills mimicking aquatic life, a few weeks later it develops lungs and a tail with reptilian appearance.
From there a mammal is recognizeable. Finally it shows the characteristics of a human child after it sheds its laguna (embryonic fur).
Human body = community of ~50 trillion cells. Everything the body does, the cells do as well. They have respiratory systems, they feed, feel, think and communicate
with other cells.
The Earth has its own electromag. generation, just like the human body. A direct current of electricity flows through paraneural cells found around every nerve in the body.
Energy meridians are generated by the resonant frequencies of Earth (Schumann waves). Each planetary body has its own resonant frequencies. Determined by the circumference and
diameter, speed of orbit and rotation. Earth's resonant frequency starts at 7.8Hz and ends with the 7th harmonic at 43.2Hz, correlating with the 7 chakras.
The greatest discovery is the Earth's consciousness: the discovery of an energetic field that governs the shaping of organisms.

Morphogenesis is the explanation of this very shaping of tissues. Earth's consciousness has been given many names: God, Yahweh, Krishna, nature, divinity. The whole
universe is a single whole conscious organism with complete awareness of itself. Our understanding is typically limited by our language. Conscious organism-
too often anthropomorhised= given human qualities, which leads to misinterpreting what an organism truly is.
ORGANISM: Any living thing capable of response to stimuli, reproduction, growth and development , and maintenance of homeostasis as a stable whole.
The consciousness of our universe is responsible for the form and purpose that matter assumes. Earth's frequency is a result of its form. It is responsible
for menstrual and circadian cycles, behavioral patterns. Only threat to ourselves is the death of our divinity, the loss of self.

All mythology has its roots in the stars.

Misconception: Constitution does NOT give us our rights, it merely lists the rights we already have. We are born with inalienable rights given to us
by our creator. They are not given to us and cannot be taken away. The most one can do with his right, is to choose
whether to exercise it or not. Word magic: illusion that licences and other forms of documentation are required to
operate motor vehicles, use roads or engage in free enterprise.
"Mankind is caught in the cycle of fear, apathy and hatred. These human instincts drive hierarchical political systems and bureaucracies
that most often limit the basic human right of the pursuit of happiness. A society whose foundation is fear, apathy and hatred sets up a system which
fundamentally affects the happiness of the individual. It represses individual development and maintains a cyclical behavioral pattern of superiority
and inferiority and a class society founded on untrue ideals." - Mark Zimmerman

"I say that even as the holy and the righteous cannot rise beyond the highest which is in each of you, so the wicked
and the weak cannot fall lower than the lowest which is in you also." - Kahlil Gibran

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the
darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." - Ephesians 6:12

Repression - constant repression of qualities we choose not to accept about ourselves. False ego- belief that we
are separate from nature -> bigotry, racism, conflicts, wars. False ego creating false threats.

"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within." - Marcus Tullius Cicero

"The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders [or false ego]. That is easy. All you have to do
is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger.
It works the same in any country." - Hermann Goering


"Bush is closely related to every European monarch on and off the throne- and has kinship with every member of Britain's
royal family. Bush's family tree can be documented as far back as the early 15th century. He has a direct descent from
Henry III and from Henry VIII's sister Mary Tudor... He is also descended from Charles II of England." - Michael Tsarion

"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein

"If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you,
what you do not bring forth will destroy you." - The Gnostic Christ (Dead Sea Scrolls)

"...during the 1990's, three Nobel laureates in medicine, advanced research that revealed the primary function of DNA
lies not in protein synthesis, as was widely believed in the past century, but in electromagnetic energy reception and
transmission. Less than three percent of DNA's function involves protein manufacture; more than ninety percent functions
 in the realm of bioacoustic and bioelectric signaling." - Dr. Leonard Horowitz

"The heart and brain maintain a continuous two-way dialogue, each influencing the other's functioning. Although it is not well known,
the heart sends far more information to the brain than the brain sends to the heart and the signals the heart sends to the brain
can influence perception, emotional processing and higher cognitive functions. The heart also generates the strongest rhythmic
electromagnetic field in the body and this actually can be measured in the brain waves of people around us." -HEARTMATH Institute

Dualism: All matter contains a positive and negative charge, which means organisms are built upon this foundation.
Natural homeostasis of any organism is the balance of both polarities.
"...the heart's field is a carrier of emotional information
and a mediator of bioelectromagnetic communication, within and outside the body. Research shows our heart's field
changes distinctly as we experience different emotions. It is registered in people's brains around us and apparently is
capable of affecting cells, water and DNA studied in vitro." - HEARTMATH Institute

Cults before Christianity:
Moon worshippers - Moon cults (Isis)
Sun worshippers - Sun cult (Ra)
Saturnian worshippers worshipped El or Eli
"The old Israelitish cult and mythology, Yahweh-worship, patriarchal legends are rooted in the religion of the sacred fungus, developed from the
underlying fertility philosophy of the ancienct Near East." - John Marco Allegro
Turbans, military berets are a derivation of the symbol of the mushroom cult.
Most prominent was the Stellar cult.

If you don't believe any of this stuff, good for you (?), but if you desire hard evidence on every statement made, you may feel free to use any search engine and look for info. Whatever you believe or not is irrelevant to me personally, as I have not taken any positions on this matter, but for the most part, I suspect that the dude is trying to make you doubt whatever you might have considered as correct/true so far (truth does not exist anyway 8-/, just a matter of context and perception). I actually started searching for evidence for each statement, but eventually I said f**k it. If you do not want to say f**k it, read the crap below. Oh and wikipedo LIES too...

If you can find sites, archives, quotes or other more or less adequate sources of information that could make some statements valid/credible or are just related to this, I will shaft a link into this big ass post and you will get the uber never-before-seen gratitude per valid source. No more gratitude for a source if there are too many of the similar stuff (5) and exact same pages will not count.

The winners will be those who provide the most resources and thus, gain the most gratitude. The more, the merrier and hell, it could get pretty tight if at least a chunk of the statements are "proven" valid. The prize is related to mapping and will be quite worth the effort.
Good luck. Btw, if you find some schtift, stuff it all into one post of yours by editing and specify what part it refers to. If you don't want to play, who is making you? If you don't like this idea, too bad 8-(.
I am interested in finding out if there is some evidence to support the videos, that's why I care a bit. If nobody plays my game, then there are going to be no losers nor winners here.

« Last Edit: February 13, 2010, 02:50:46 pm by Horve »

Offline croat1gamer

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« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2010, 01:12:43 pm »

Conspiracy theories this, conspiracy theory that, blah blah.
We all know where it ends.
Last year, I dreamt I was pissing at a restroom, but I missed the urinal and my penis exploded.

Offline Wraithlike

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« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2010, 01:55:34 pm »

Offline Dascoo

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Re: *
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2010, 03:55:55 pm »
So how am I supposed to know any of the information given is credible?

Also why do these videos imply humanity is important at all?


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Re: *
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2010, 04:35:39 pm »
So how am I supposed to know any of the information given is credible?

What I was thinking as well. In any case, the 2 videos are interesting and well put together.
I fucking miss all you cunts!

Offline Hair|Trigger

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« Reply #5 on: January 24, 2010, 07:42:56 pm »
Okay, wow.  I just finished watching it, goes on about 2012 in the end.  At least now I understand what it's all about.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2010, 10:15:15 pm by Hair|Trigger »

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Offline Horve

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« Reply #6 on: January 24, 2010, 07:49:19 pm »
This is quite interesting, I am really enjoying this documentary even though discussion of religion and politics is usually a turnoff for me.

So how am I supposed to know any of the information given is credible?

I think the point of the documentary is to help you understand that you need to connect the dots for yourself, and not just take information from the media for granted.  There is no reason for any of it to be false because you don't have to believe any of it to enjoy the documentary.

You get the cigar
something for the special ones (eng sub)
« Last Edit: January 24, 2010, 08:27:44 pm by Horve »

Offline a-4-year-old

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« Reply #7 on: January 24, 2010, 08:01:24 pm »
You mean the MEDIA can put a SPIN on news?

Honestly anyone with two ears and a brain knows that.  The real question, at least for me, is who is the bigger idiot? The person who falls for it or the person who overreacts to it.
If we hit the bullseye the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate. -Zapp Brannigan

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« Reply #8 on: January 24, 2010, 08:08:21 pm »
That film really opened up to me.

I believe that we will never know the truth.
This signature was borked. Now it is not.


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« Reply #9 on: January 24, 2010, 08:30:06 pm »
i was giving the speaker benefit of the doubt the entire time until i would hear him say something that was in my opinion completely silly

im fine with the whole 'yeah all the presidents are related to monarchy and illuminati and banks have all the power over government etc.' but when he starts implying that recent wars have been started simply so that many people die and act as sacrifices to a god then i switch off

also it would be nice to think that a john nobody like himself has all the answers to all of the worlds problems but its not going to happen. corporate and government organisations hold all the power and money. they know whats going on and we never will. thats simply the way it is

the main reason i object to conspiracy theories about how governments and leaders have been plotting things for thousands of years is because i hold a strong belief in the simplistic ugly and instinctual driving force behind human behaviour. no living being has ever existed that has cared for anything more than its own well being. do you care about some other humans who will be born 1000 years from now?

Offline Dascoo

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« Reply #10 on: January 25, 2010, 04:13:09 am »
Believing in prophets is a superstitious. Superstitious beliefs are the cancer that is killing humanity. I couldn't watch past 10 minutes of the videos because it was the same old generic shit I watched 5 years ago, when other kids thought it was cool and could talk about how the man was keeping us down at school and seem smart to other 13 year olds.


Offline Blacksheepboy

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« Reply #11 on: January 25, 2010, 11:19:02 pm »
Holy s**t, so I didn't watch the documentary, but from reading the posts from people who have... I have been doing research for the past 3 years on a lot of this stuff. And of course, first of all, none of this connects. These are all different entities when you first learn about them. Of course, all of them sound ludicrous. But then I read something else ludicrous, and it states the same ludicrous thing I've heard before. Each source contains its own amount of credibility. But when many different sources begin to compliment each other, and from time to time, point to the same problems, you have no choice but to accept what you're hearing.

It hit me like a ton of bricks when panzer was talking about the Illuminati. This is the third time I have heard the exact same information about them (and never before from Soldat forums). The first time I heard about the Illuminati was from an incredible source who cited at least 50 different sources/people to back up his claim about them.

Basically, it feels coincidental when studying "conspiracy theories" that have nothing to do with each other connect in the most unforeseeable ways. Well, some connections are foreseeable.

The studies of Fluoride / Communism. Seemingly unrelated at first. Multiple sources claim they're both bad. Turns out fluoride was used by communist Russia in a variety of bad ways. Oh, then fluoride relates to infertility, and that can go into a million different theories about government and population control.

My brief little studies on Aspartame / Sugar / general health (toss Natural Medicine into the mix) / Cancer and its corresponding U.S. "agencies". It's been said many times that sugar and bad health = increase in cancer cells in the body. We're apparently all born with "cancer cells" in the body. A life of bad health causes these cells to go nuts and stuff... I have yet to do any studies on the "manifestation" of cancer. Then there's the typical "evil medicine corporations" studies that permeate conspiracy theory articles. I am beginning to believe the talk about fluoride being sold to _____s, and it being a by-product of the aluminum making process? I don't know, it's been so long since I've read anything about fluoride, so don't hate if I am terribly wrong on the aluminum part.

Then there are the natural cures for cancer as alternatives to the "will the cancer or you die first" chemotherapy treatments. It's a general rule that any doctor that promotes "natural treatment" ideas are booted from the health care system. This can be either a good or bad thing. Assuming the doctors are 90% right (and there are reasons to believe they are / natural treatments don't work 100% of the time, but are worth trying versus chemotherapy), the medicine industry places would be in trouble as they'd lose federal grants on cancer research if a general cure was found...
« Last Edit: January 25, 2010, 11:47:17 pm by Blacksheepboy »

Offline Horve

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« Reply #12 on: February 12, 2010, 11:25:04 pm »

Offline Veritas

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« Reply #13 on: February 14, 2010, 03:07:56 pm »
holy shit that wall of text was legit hilarious