I have a method of actually using a full modification without screwing up Soldat.
If you are low on memory, I wouldn't recommend doing more than 3 mod's with this method, because mod's take quite a bit of memory when mixed with Soldat main game files. I use a 8gb flash drive to hold my mod's so it doesn't interfere with my laptop that has 10gb(>_<) left on its hard drive.
Normally what I do is, I create a 2nd Soldat and place the mod into the 2nd soldat, replacing file's if asked.
(If map's from Soldat 1 is wanted in the 2nd soldat, follow this step.)
Than, I copy the texture's from S1, paste into S2's texture folder. I do the same with Scenery-gfx, and again with map's folder.
I seperate S1 and S2 so they are in different folder's rather than having S2 in S1's mod folder, because it most likely won't appear.
I hope this get's stickied, and I hope I helped.
Post any comment's or trouble you have as you please, I will most likely reply and alway's view your post's here. ^^