Name of topic says it all
Buisness stuff...
IGN: Commander Kitsune
Active?: Very
Weapon?: Flexible with all except m79
Msn,Aim,xfire?: None, i'd rather not deal with any of those, my computers annoying enough without these, but I'll tell the clan leader my email
Former clans?: none
About me...
Favorite game mode?: Inf
Least favorite?: DM
Favorite server/s?: 1.Leos servers 2. U13 Servers
Team player?: yes
Hacker?: NO!
Friendly?: very (except when I'm having a bad day)
Loyal?: depends on how I'm treated
I'm good for tryouts almost whenever except reaaaaaallllyyyy early in the morning.
I'm from america but I can speak some German, and polish.
I despise "1337" talking
I think I'm quite good myself. It all depeneds on my mood, if I'm happy I own, and if im sad, lets just say no.....
Hm, well thats all I can think about. If I left anything out post here and I'll read.
I really do not want an inactive clan >_> or one that has a lot of ignorant/immature people.
So if you're a clan who needs a good, experienced member who doesnt require Aim, Msn, Xfire, or any other messanger system just post ^_^