i don't understand ^^
do you mean that the OnGameEnd is not right and i should replace it by on map change ?
if is that i think i will do like that :
on map change that say 20 second before the game start !
and in 20 second that do the command i want.
because on map change that will kick all bot ^^
you understand
From: March 05, 2010, 08:11:47 pm
okayyy it's so complicate ?
Anyway i will say wath i realy want !
/say Zombie game start !
/addbot2 zombie
/addbot2 zombie
/addbot2 zombie
/kick Zombie
/kick Serker Zombie
/kick Burning Zombie
/kick Taliban
/kick Ghost
/kick Slicer Zombie
/say The zombie game will begin in 20 second !
(in 20 second that will do this command ) :
/say Zombie game start ! Pay attention to brain eater !
/addbot2 zombie
/addbot2 zombie
/addbot2 zombie
4-if TimeLeft = 8(minute)
/say 3 more person got infected ! The population of zombie is now : 6.
/addbot2 slicerzombie
/addbot2 burningzombie
/addbot2 zombie
5-if TimeLeft = 6(minute)
/say 3 more person got infected ! The population of zombie is now : 9.
/addbot2 serkerzombie
/addbot2 taliban
/addbot2 zombie
6-if TimeLeft = 4(minute)
/say 3 more person got infected ! The population of zombie is now : 12
/addbot2 zombie
/addbot2 ghost
/addbot2 slicerzombie
7-if TimeLeft = 2(minute)
/say 3 more person got infected ! The population of zombie is now : 15.
/addbot2 ghost
/addbot2 taliban
/addbot2 slicerzombie