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const rocketFuel = 45; // default 45; accuracy = 40; //0 - the best accuracy, default 40; acceleration = 3; // default 3; flametraceMovement = 2; // default 2;procedure nova(X,Y,dir_x,dir_y,r,speed,power: single; n: word; style, id: byte);var angle,sine,cosine: single;begin angle:=6.28318/n; for n:=n downto 1 do begin sine:=sin(angle*n); cosine:=cos(angle*n); CreateBullet(cosine*r + X, sine*r + Y,cosine*speed + dir_x,sine*speed + dir_y,power, style, ID); end;end;procedure Missile(owner_ID, target_ID: Byte; X, Y: Single);{v. 1.6}var poly_coll, target_coll: Boolean; n, interval: Word; X2, Y2, dist, next_dist_x, next_dist_y, prev_dist_x, prev_dist_y, rd: Single;begin GetPlayerXY(target_ID,X2,Y2); dist:=Distance(X,Y,X2,Y2); next_dist_x:=(X2-X)/(dist/10); next_dist_y:=(Y2-Y)/(dist/10); X:=X + next_dist_x; Y:=Y + next_dist_y; prev_dist_x:=next_dist_x; prev_dist_y:=next_dist_y; interval:=40; while n < rocketFuel do begin Sleep(interval); next_dist_x:=((X2-X)/(dist/(20+accuracy*2))+prev_dist_x*accuracy) / (accuracy+1); next_dist_y:=((Y2-Y)/(dist/(24+accuracy*2))+prev_dist_y*accuracy) / (accuracy+1); prev_dist_x:=next_dist_x; prev_dist_y:=next_dist_y; X:=X + next_dist_x; Y:=Y + next_dist_y; GetPlayerXY(target_ID,X2,Y2); dist:=Distance(X,Y,X2,Y2); if dist > 80 then //poly dodging begin if not rayCast(X,Y,X+15,Y,rd,16) then X:=X - 15 else if not rayCast(X,Y,X-15,Y,rd,16) then X:=X + 15; if not rayCast(X,Y,X,Y+18,rd,19) then Y:=Y - 18 else if not rayCast(X,Y,X,Y-18,rd,19) then Y:=Y + 18; end; if dist < 25 then //check for collision begin target_coll:=true; break; end else if not RayCast(X,Y,X,Y,rd,1) then begin poly_coll:=true; break; end; if dist > 10*flametraceMovement then //create one flame CreateBullet(X, Y, next_dist_x/10*flametraceMovement, next_dist_y/10*flametraceMovement, 0, 5, owner_ID); if interval > 9 then interval:=interval-acceleration; //acceleration n:=n+1; end; if target_coll then //collision with target begin DoDamageBy(target_ID, owner_ID, GetPlayerStat(target_ID, 'health')-1); nova(X,Y,next_dist_x/2,next_dist_y/2,20,5,2,7,14,owner_ID); nova(X2,Y2,0,0,30,8,2,9,14,owner_ID); nova(X2,Y2,0,0,12,-3,10,5,4,owner_ID); end else if poly_coll then //collision with poly begin nova(X,Y,next_dist_x/2,next_dist_y/2,20,5,2,7,14,owner_ID); nova(X,Y,0,0,20,-3,10,4,4,owner_ID); end else begin //no fuel nova(X,Y,next_dist_x/3,next_dist_y/2,20,5,2,7,14,owner_ID); CreateBullet(X, Y, next_dist_x/2, next_dist_x/3, 10, 4, owner_ID); end;end;
const rocketFuel = 45; // default 45; accuracy = 40; //0 - the best accuracy, default 40; acceleration = 3; // default 3; flametraceMovement = 2; // default 2;procedure nova(X,Y,dir_x,dir_y,r,speed,power: single; n: word; style, id: byte);var angle,sine,cosine: single;begin angle:=6.28318/n; for n:=n downto 1 do begin sine:=sin(angle*n); cosine:=cos(angle*n); CreateBullet(cosine*r + X, sine*r + Y,cosine*speed + dir_x,sine*speed + dir_y,power, style, ID); end;end;procedure Missile(owner_ID, target_ID: Byte; X, Y: Single);{v. 1.6}var poly_coll, target_coll: Boolean; n, interval: Word; X2, Y2, dist, next_dist_x, next_dist_y, prev_dist_x, prev_dist_y, rd: Single;begin GetPlayerXY(target_ID,X2,Y2); dist:=Distance(X,Y,X2,Y2); next_dist_x:=(X2-X)/(dist/10); next_dist_y:=(Y2-Y)/(dist/10); X:=X + next_dist_x; Y:=Y + next_dist_y; prev_dist_x:=next_dist_x; prev_dist_y:=next_dist_y; interval:=40; while n < rocketFuel do begin Sleep(interval); next_dist_x:=((X2-X)/(dist/(20+accuracy*2))+prev_dist_x*accuracy) / (accuracy+1); next_dist_y:=((Y2-Y)/(dist/(24+accuracy*2))+prev_dist_y*accuracy) / (accuracy+1); prev_dist_x:=next_dist_x; prev_dist_y:=next_dist_y; X:=X + next_dist_x; Y:=Y + next_dist_y; GetPlayerXY(target_ID,X2,Y2); dist:=Distance(X,Y,X2,Y2); if dist > 80 then //poly dodging begin if not rayCast(X,Y,X+15,Y,rd,16) then X:=X - 15 else if not rayCast(X,Y,X-15,Y,rd,16) then X:=X + 15; if not rayCast(X,Y,X,Y+18,rd,19) then Y:=Y - 18 else if not rayCast(X,Y,X,Y-18,rd,19) then Y:=Y + 18; end; if dist < 25 then //check for collision begin target_coll:=true; break; end else if not RayCast(X,Y,X,Y,rd,1) then begin poly_coll:=true; break; end; if dist > 10*flametraceMovement then //create one flame CreateBullet(X, Y, next_dist_x/10*flametraceMovement, next_dist_y/10*flametraceMovement, 0, 5, owner_ID); if interval > 9 then interval:=interval-acceleration; //acceleration n:=n+1; end; if target_coll then //collision with target begin DoDamageBy(target_ID, owner_ID, GetPlayerStat(target_ID, 'health')-1); nova(X,Y,next_dist_x/2,next_dist_y/2,20,5,2,7,14,owner_ID); nova(X2,Y2,0,0,30,8,2,9,14,owner_ID); nova(X2,Y2,0,0,12,-3,10,5,4,owner_ID); end else if poly_coll then //collision with poly begin nova(X,Y,next_dist_x/2,next_dist_y/2,20,5,2,7,14,owner_ID); nova(X,Y,0,0,20,-3,10,4,4,owner_ID); end else begin //no fuel nova(X,Y,next_dist_x/3,next_dist_y/2,20,5,2,7,14,owner_ID); CreateBullet(X, Y, next_dist_x/2, next_dist_x/3, 10, 4, owner_ID); end;end;function OnCommand(ID: byte; Text: string): boolean;var X, Y: single;begin Result := false if Copy(Text, 1, 8) = '/missile' then begin try ID := StrToInt(GetPiece(Text, ' ', 1)) GetPlayerXY(ID, X, Y) threadfunc([ID, StrToInt(GetPiece(Text, ' ', 2)), X, Y-10], 'Missile') except WriteConsole(ID, 'Syntax err', $FFFF2222); end; end;end;
function lookForTarget(ID: byte; MinDistance, MaxDistance: integer; UsingRaycast: boolean): byte;var i,Team: byte; X,Y,X2,Y2,sqrdist,maxdist: single;begin GetPlayerXY(ID,X,Y); maxdist:=MaxDistance*MaxDistance; Result:=0; Team := GetPlayerStat(ID, 'Team'); for i:=1 to 32 do if i <> ID then if GetPlayerStat(i, 'Active') then if GetPlayerStat(i, 'Alive') then if GetPlayerStat(i, 'team') <> Team then begin GetPlayerXY(i,X2,Y2); if UsingRayCast then if not RayCast(X,Y-7,X2,Y2-7,sqrdist,MaxDistance+1) then continue; X2:=X2-X; Y2:=Y2-Y; sqrdist:=X2*X2+Y2*Y2; if (sqrdist < maxdist) and (sqrdist >= MinDistance) then begin Result:=i; maxdist:=sqrdist; end; end;end;function OnCommand(ID: Byte; Text: string): boolean;var x, y: single; target: byte;begin if Text = '/aim' then begin target := lookForTarget(ID, 0, 700, true); if target > 0 then begin GetPlayerXY(ID, x, y); Missile(ID, target, x, y); end; end; Result := false;end;