Uhh, this was made in response to Zero72's old mods
Mega Man Mod 2.5 and
Mega Man Classic, though I only used it myself and never bothered releasing it. And since I'm quite useless at the aesthetics, I only managed to make the interface.
From left to right, the bars depict ammo (Heat Man), health (Mega Man - MM2 colors) and nades (Hard Man).
Also included are ARROW.BMP and CURSOR.BMP that I nicked and edited a bit from the Korean Soldat clone Gunster. And I think the menucursor.bmp is from one of Zero72's mods... meh.
I should mention that this interface doesn't scale well on resolutions above 640x480 as stuff will begin to shift. And the jet bar is deactivated by default as I consider it useless since I know by heart the jet amount for each map. There's a jet bar included (Bubble Man colors), but none of my computers will run the Interface Maker tool so you'll have to fix that yourself if you want to activate it.
If you still want it,