Just a friendly update; even though I have stopped playing this because PANZERCATWAGON has apparently dropped the thread, and also
another thread before it.
But anyways, the fortress is unbelievable; the food and drink stockpiles are up as high as 1k in plump helmets and 500 in booze of various concoctions. Kagesha has reached legendary in planting (because seriously that's one of the most important skills in the entire fortress as of now), Espadon is still alive, and so is Panzer the mechanic and Fryer the metalsmith.
Fryer was elected mayor, then another mayor replaced him, then I overlooked a mandate and Fryer got jailed for 26 days. Then Fryer was elected mayor AGAIN.
I decided to finish the bash pit that panzer suggested and ended up using the pit to kill off the bloody nobles, by building rooms hanging over the pit, held up there by a single floor tile, and then dropping the whole room chamber by deconstructing said tile.
A dragon came to the fortress, and our three swordsdorfs quickly stabbed it to death. We now have {[20] Dragon Meat} and {[100] Dragon bone bolts}
The champions die off little by little on each goblin siege, due to various injuries, and a couple are bedridden.
I leave you with this screenshot of just how well is Cudgelmuscles doing:
EDIT: And Blue the miner/town founder drowned while digging out tiles for a new well :<