This time it's a bit different due to two facts: It's minimappack, and it contains only Cooperation Maps.
Specially for Zabijaka.pl [Climb] where people seriously gone mad after adding coops from #4 to the server. In 11 days they already made +50 scores on easycoop... which means they played more than 1000 minutes. More, because it also happened to play 20 minutes but no score. :>
Anyway, less blabling, more infos.
There are five maps:
- ctf_n_coop3;
- ctf_n_coop4;
- ctf_n_coopzord; (fifth)
- ctf_n_coop6;
- ctf_n_circlecoop.
(srsly.. no idea for names:D)
http://hotfile.com/dl/128528550/db72bf8/natsu._coop_minimappack.rar.htmlhere u got a download link, but u can also use the attachment.
Overviews available @
http://natsu.cba.pl/maps/coop.htmlI hope you'll find them interesting and more difficult than previous ones. :)