Author Topic: Customization, getting it into Soldat?  (Read 1721 times)

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Offline GhostRiderSwiss

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Customization, getting it into Soldat?
« on: August 31, 2012, 12:35:25 am »
Hi Soldiers!

It pokes me since long time, the question, is it planned to add stuff like the "special operations 2 mod" into the game itself?

For example, it allows to change the Alpha and Bravo team gostek's to diffrent, so you can use Alpha for example terrorist gosteks from css and bravo uses letz say, some russian spec ops.
Also it allows to choose for every deffault weapon 3 new weapon styles (bullets etc too)

So why not add that to the game?????????????????????????????????????????
I seriously see only improvements on that idea.

There's alot of gosteks and other cool mods, which could be added so easy into the game, to allow player to change more stuff to his likes :D

Also, if that stuff would be also for other people in servers "viewable" it would be awesome, i remember this was planned for LD, this would be for Soldat too awesome...(but yeah, that involves some bigger work)

Regards, GhostRider~Loki

PS : fuck my bad english, im sry :(

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Re: Customization, getting it into Soldat?
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2012, 06:25:36 am »
So what you actually say is that some mods (chosen by the community?) will be hardcoded into the game to add more options for customization? I certainly agree that a new player will not know that there are such modifications from the start - if he ever finds out - and see no real reason to not consider this a nice tuning for the basic Soldat other than that the game itself would grow in size which is an obsolete reason to me since releases of games which practically take 10GB and we argue over 100kb.

F12 from me.

Offline GhostRiderSwiss

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Re: Customization, getting it into Soldat?
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2012, 09:58:52 am »
So what you actually say is that some mods (chosen by the community?) will be hardcoded into the game to add more options for customization? I certainly agree that a new player will not know that there are such modifications from the start - if he ever finds out - and see no real reason to not consider this a nice tuning for the basic Soldat other than that the game itself would grow in size which is an obsolete reason to me since releases of games which practically take 10GB and we argue over 100kb.

F12 from me.

Yes, chosen by the community, ofc not all crap-mods^^
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Re: Customization, getting it into Soldat?
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2012, 12:16:10 pm »
I'd rather just see old enesce's package system brought back to life. I'd solve that issue then as well.
However since i got no response for the feature requests/ideas i asked in my lastest devlog, i don't give a single f**k, at least for now.
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