Script Name: Anti-Bravo-Script
Script Description An Anti-Bravo-Script
Author: StuffyCompile Test:
PassedCore Version: 2.6.5
Hosted by: Soldat Central - Description:A script that disallows players to join the bravo-team. Its quite usefull, because on some
climb-maps bravo spawns further than alpha, and all the "noobs" join the blue team. Theres a bravomaps.txt, into this list you can put maps where players are allowed to join the bravo-team, because some maps cant be capped with alpha. I made this script for climb-servers, but feel free to use it for your own requirements.
/disable = Disallows joining bravo on the current map. (temporary)
/enable = Allows joining bravo on the current map. (temporary)
/addbmap (Map name) = Adds the Map with the (Map Name) to the bravomaps.txt
/addcbmap = Adds the current map to the bravomaps.txt
/reloadbmaps = Reloads the bravomaps.txt (Dont need to do after /addbmap ore /addcbmap)
//Edit by Furai: Attached script to the topic.