Hi, I'm newish to solserver. v2.7.3. Yesterday everything working fine. I was playing with folks Internet mode. Then left it unattended with people playing. Later I saw zero players & shut it down. Health at that point: unknown. I assumed fine. Perhaps not.
Today: very very sick. Every player starts with what looks like a bow & sounds like a saw. Essentially unplayable
I saw no files in /solserver/ with a timestamp later than my previous start-up time (yesterday). Eg. soldat.ini looks untouched.
Tried to fix by unzipping serverpatch2.6.5-2.7.0.zip and rolling it back up to patch level 2.7.3. (In case some binary got distroyed) Same result. Sick as a dog.
How to repair? Sounding to you like a person/script intentionally broke my solserver? I'm not running ASE, anti-cheat, etc. Hadn't got to the stage of hardening it.
I'm comfortable in linux land but no guru. Mint Linux v12 (ubuntu). Any and all help appreciated. I don't wanna blow it all away and start from scratch but I can if I have to.
Anything else you need to know from me, just ask.
Cheers guys,
- @blamer ..