This list was done with with the upmost analytical tools and discretion. Only players that outstand were added. Things like creativity and innovation were crucial not only kills and deaths. Divergent play and unique player skills that are mostly derived from genetic conditions and therefor can't be replicated by other players were also a very important. (ie, it doesnt matter if you kill a lot and die little)
I would murder most of those guys in the list, I'm more creative that all of those in the list, why am I not in there? You're talking rhetorically while not really answering to my previous post. You could pummel Darkcrusade at ease for instance, but then you get your ass kicked by Loner which in the other hand is an easy opponent for Darkcrusade, because Loner is scared shitless around Darkcrusade, hence can't put his mind to it or can perform 100%. Admit it, rating skill is beyond your feeble brains, what you're spouting is just sheer bullshit.