Hello Soldat community,
These servers are pretty much the only active private knife only servers around on soldat and anyone is welcome to visit these servers.
The knife community exists of around ~50ish active people, we're a tight community and there are hundreds of clan wars being played monthly.
The servers are scripted with a clan database, including every clan's stats, win ratio, wins/losses from other clans.
Both servers are linked towards 1 database and the servers run fluently.
Additional scripts/commands are listed at the bottom of the topic.
Autorestarter is attached to the servers for possible crashes, which almost never occur.
Much more information & enjoyment can be found and offered on our community's forum: www.kosoldat.forumer.com![](http://i41.tinypic.com/281tyzb.png)
Name: ~ Tu knife only by Vos#1
Port: 23010
Server: Priv
Password: 555
Slots: 12
Admins: Vos, Seigen, Drummer, Sam fisher and Vauat
Name: ~ Tu knife only by Vos#2
Port: 23011
Server: Priv
Password: 555
Slots: 12
Admins: Vos, Seigen, Drummer, Sam fisher and Vauat
Servers are hosted by Spotix.
Click to Join #1Click to Join #2General clan war & server rules.General Knife only rules.Map playtime is 15 minutes long.
Ctf_Laos is always the first default map in a clan war.
2 maps have to be won by one clan in order to win the clan war.
A map is over if either 8 caps are made by one clan or when 15 minutes have passed.
The winner of the first map chooses the second map.
General server rules.Hacking/cheating is not allowed.
Bug abusing is not allowed.
Spamming is not allowed and can result into a global mute (spamming private messages is also spamming!).
Offensive language is tolerated as long as any admin doesn't mind it.
Admin's decissions have to respected at all time, if you feel like the admin has made the wrong choice(s), please approach the situation in an appropriate way, for example by speaking to him/her in private.
Respect each other.
Specified server rules.Faking any team/clan or a person with the intention of teasing is not allowed and can be punished.
The maximum ping has been set at 150 and the maximum ping-warnings has been set at 5.
Duplicating a knife in a clan war is considered as bug abusing and will be punished.
Clan war mode is an admin only command that global mutes the spectators that talk to much, this option can be requested by anyone.
Using the command /kill in a clan war to suicide for any other reason besides that you're stuck or offmapped or anything in that category is not allowed and will be punished.
If a clanwar has been tied, the map has to be replayed from the score: 0:0 unless both teams agree on playing further from the tied stats, if that's the case, please call an available admin to set the score for you.
Choosing a map has a time limit of 2 minutes, if a clan takes longer to choose a map, the remaining time will be added to the overall pause time of that clan.
If a player leaves during a clanwar and the clan is unable to find a substitute, this clan will automatically lose the clanwar
The maximum pause time during depends on the amount of maps that are being played, 2.5 minutes pause time are added each map, so a default clanwar has a minimum of 5 minutes since 2 maps are the least amount of maps to be played in a clan war.
If the team exceeds the given pause time, they automatically lose the clanwar, this all applies unless both teams agree on different terms.
Admins on the Tu servers:Vos
Sam Fisher
Rules can't or rather shouldn't be made for every little thing so some level of common sense/understanding must also be requested.If there are any suggestions or questions regarding these rules, please do not hesitate by creating a new topic in the general discussion forum or in the server discussion forum, depending on what kind of questions/suggestions there are, explain your point carefully or simply contact me via Xfire which is: Disturbedfox.All the server commands/scripts:Please note that some commands are made in the command mode instead of chat mode, so instead of typing T first to talk, use /.
** means further explanation below.
!alpha, !red, !1 - this will set you to alpha team
!bravo, !blue, !2 - this will set you to bravo team
!spec, !5 - this will set you as spectator
/cmds - shows you most ingame commands
!stats - shows your accuracy stats
!rate - shows your kill death ratio
!map <name> - this will set the map
!random - this will set a random map
!r - restarts the map
!p - Pause
!up - Unpause
!pinfo - shows pause times from alpha and bravo of current cw
!ping - shows your current ping
!track - tracks your ping over several seconds and takes the average.
**!ub - unbans last player
**/cwmode - checks if clan war mode is on or off
/whoizall - shows the player's real(most used) nickname
!result - shows the last 20 cw maps being played
!last - shows score (and clan names) of last map being played
!clan <name> - shows the stats of the clan/team
!clan <name> vs <name> - shows the stats from first clan entered and how much wins/losses they had against the second clan entered
!top - shows the top 10 clans/teams win/loss ratio
!top win - shows the top 10 clans/teams wins
!cw <number> - shows more detailed information regarding that cw
/afk <reason> - sets you to away from keyboard status with your stated reason
/afk - this will put you back to keyboard status
/pm <name> + <message>, /pm <ID> + <message> - this will sent a private message to desired player
/beta - shows general rules of beta, yet more detailed rules remain on the forum.
!beo - forwards you to beo's public knife only server
!mig - forwards you to mighty's knife only server
!tu1 - forwards you to the tu1 server
!tu2 forwards you to the tu2 server
**!ub explanation: please make sure you do not use the command when an admin bans a player, if you do so you will receive a ban too.
**/cwmode explanation: Clan war mode is an admin only command that global mutes the spectators that talk to much, this option can be requested by anyone.
I guess I can't really provide much more information, I would like to recommend anyone who is interrested towards this, to join the servers and/or forum and enjoy theirselves.[/list]