Try this:
@echo off
goto Start
title Password Generator
echo I will make you a new password.
echo Please write the password down somewhere in case you forget it.
echo ---------------------------------------------------------------
echo 1) 1 Random Password
echo 2) 5 Random Passwords
echo 3) 10 Random Passwords
echo Input your choice
set input=
set /p input= Choice:
if %input%==1 goto A if NOT goto Start2
if %input%==2 goto B if NOT goto Start2
if %input%==3 goto C if NOT goto Start2
echo Your password is %random%
echo Now choose what you want to do.
echo 1) Go back to the beginning
echo 2) Exit
set input=
set /p input= Choice:
if %input%==1 goto Start2 if NOT goto Start 2
if %input%==2 goto Exit if NOT goto Start 2
echo Your 5 passwords are %random%, %random%, %random%, %random%, %random%.
echo Now choose what you want to do.
echo 1) Go back to the beginning
echo 2) Exit
set input=
set /p input= Choice:
if %input%==1 goto Start2 if NOT goto Start 2
if %input%==2 goto Exit if NOT goto Start 2
echo Your 10 Passwords are %random%, %random%, %random%, %random%, %random%, %random%, %random%, %random%, %random%, %random%
echo Now choose what you want to do.
echo 1) Go back to the beginning
echo 2) Exit
set input=
set /p input= Choice:
if %input%==1 goto Start2 if NOT goto Start 2
if %input%==2 goto Exit if NOT goto Start 2