Author Topic: The R/S Soldat Website  (Read 1193 times)

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Offline puddlejumper

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The R/S Soldat Website
« on: August 11, 2007, 04:11:54 am »
Ever wanted to know what R/S is? Well, with the efforts of the entire R/S community, we've put together an unofficial R/S website, dedicated to all Soldaters from R/S, R, Regular, or any other style of play!

The R/S Community is the smallest and tightest in Soldat. With limited players and clans, it's easy to climb the ladder. We also warmly welcome any new coming resident.

The website is centered around the North/American Realistic/Survival players, but is expected to expand around the European side as well. Our base of operations is mainly :[DS]: clan forums, a major hub in our community. This website is the only one directly being controlled by the community. Every suggestion within reason is put into a log, and worked toward to ensure the best possible resource and quality.

With hopes of it landing on the Official Soldat Homepage, I'm created a staff to assist me in the maintenance of the website. We'll be updating every developing page at least bi-weekly, making sure to deliver the most up-to-date information about R/S and the general Soldat community.

The R/S Soldat Website has been running since the middle of May, and has gone through two website systems, four URLs, many themes, and many ideas. The features and utilities are endless, and more is being added everyday.

I've personally crafted this website into a functional hub in our community. It has all of the complete information for anyone that is familiar with R/S, or anyone that wants to take a look at what it really is.

The features are, but not limited to:

-A complete clans list, edited directly from :[DS]: forums almost daily.
-A downloads section with Maps, Mappacks and Mods.
-A link area pointing to all of the hotspots and utilities of the R/S community, General Soldat links, and Soldat Community links. More links are being added by submissions and by notice.
-An R/S Manual, approved by the R/S community, with tips and hints to how our community works.
-A Clanwar Ladder (
-Constant news of In-R/S Happenings!
-A Forum for any questions or comments that need to be answered quickly!

It has been my pleasure to bring everyone The UnOfficial R/S Soldat Website.

So enjoy this great website, and check out what R/S really is.

P.S. This was already posted, but I decided to move it and add more information.

Date Posted: July 27, 2007, 03:03:39 PM
Here to post updates!!

Yes, that's right, we're still alive. And the more viewers the better!! Come and discover what R/S is at The R/S Soldat Website!

Updates are:

-Added BUTT loads of downloads.
-Updated Clans page daily.
-Activated numerous different options.
-Reformatted the R/S Manual.
-Updated and added information to the R/S Manual.
-Added 'Recent Downloads' Scroller.
-Fixed News Scroller.
-Added Events.
-New Banner.
-Organizing an R/S event!
-Added a Links page.

Things to do:

-New theme. More Soldaty.
-Stay updated.
-Add more features.
-Find a way to have Clan Leaders edit clan information themselves.
-Gain Officiality.

I hope you all have enjoyed the services we have provided, it's been our team's pleasure to give you the best R/S experience possible.

So stop by and see what R/S is all about!

Offline DePhille

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Re: The R/S Soldat Website
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2007, 05:21:28 am »
It's sad that so few people visit this section of the forums. Sites like these deserve way more attention.
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Offline puddlejumper

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Re: The R/S Soldat Website
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2007, 03:21:04 pm »
Heh, thanks. I posted it in the General section, but it got little views there too. I'm working on more advertising techniques, but there's so few left. =/

Offline DePhille

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Re: The R/S Soldat Website
« Reply #3 on: August 16, 2007, 04:34:40 am »
I've got the exact same problem with SoldatPage. It's pretty difficult to air a new SoldatCommunity. However, I should get my advertising soon, I hope.
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Offline cunchy

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Re: The R/S Soldat Website
« Reply #4 on: August 17, 2007, 08:02:05 am »
For some reason, fewer ppl play R/S mode now D';

Offline puddlejumper

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Re: The R/S Soldat Website
« Reply #5 on: August 18, 2007, 03:41:02 pm »
Yeah DePhille, it is surprisingly hard to advertise. Though I hope to land on one day... And the Monsoon thing is pretty neat, though I haven't had the time to actually get a banner on there...

And more people are playing RS these days. It seemed for a while back there, there were only 2 rs server being played in, now there are usually 5-6. And once school starts for all the kiddies, they should be playing regularly again.