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I need to finish a few sounds and need a mario gostec and a Mario map If anyone can contibute heres exactly what i need:
A sound of a tennisball being hit HARD
Invinceabilty star sounds (power up, power down and shooting)
Map: I want to have one were you jump from musroom to mushroom, with bases made of ? and regular blocks, i want this to be a huge map for 16+ players, and have big CTF games online.
Mario gostek: Mario and Luigi styled
Weapons will include
Fire Flower
Fireball nades
Magic Paint brush (from SMS)
Star rod (paper mario)
Ray guns (SSBM)
Super Scope (SSBM)
Bullet bill launcher will replace the stationary
Tennis Racket
+ more!
New unreged interface (its cool, trust me)
Many new sounds! (you get the classic "gameover" music when you die) <- lol
Anything that can be contribted would be mush apricated (espetialy the map and gostek!)