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[Colors] - Colors settings.ColorGOOD=$EE00FF00 - Color for correct messages. Default is green.ColorBAD=$ff0033 - Color for incorrect messages. Default is red.[Vote] - Vote Settings.Vote=75 - Percentage needed for vote to pass. Default 75.VoteTime=30 - Duration of the voting. Default 30 (in seconds).VoteTimeAdd=7 - Time that extends duration of voting when someone vote. Default 7. (In seconds)[Default] - Default Values.DefaultAutoLogin=HWID - Default type of auto logging. (Values OFF|NICK|IP|HWID).PointsForStart=1000 - Point for start if a player registers or restart stats etc.MaxPointGive=50 - The max number of points awarded.[Stats]Multiplier=100 - Multiplier, Default 100. Accuracy of this assessment the player by the server.LimitKills=25 - Limit of player kills that are needed to see statistic.TopLines=10 - Number of Players and Maps in !top and !topmaps.UpdateRanksRealTime=ON - Realtime statistic update, recommended for better servers. (Values ON|OFF)MinimalKills=15 - The minimum number of killings, scored the server to win in gamestyle DEATHMATCH etc.[Accounts]AutoRegister=ON - Enable or dissable auto auto registration. (Values ON|OFF)KickTime=15 - Time after which player will be kicked when don't login. Default 15. (In seconds)KickTimeON=OFF - Enable or dissable KickTime. (Values ON|OFF)AntyMajorStats=ON - Enable or dissable Major statistics. Default ON. (Values ON|OFF)AntyMulti=ON - Enable or dissable MultiAccound at the same time. Prevent bugs statistics.[Messages]WriteLnSpam=OFF - AntySpam in console when players didn't login. Default OFF [Do not change]. (Values ON|OFF)TimeMesON=ON - Enable or dissable info messages. Default ON. (Values ON|OFF)TimeMes=1 - Time which this messages should appear in console. (In minutes)YouInfoHere=Script Forum: - Your info displayed in command !credit !zitro etc.[MapStats]MapStatsON=ON - Enable or dissable map statistics. Default ON. (Values ON|OFF)TopMapsON=ON - Enable or dissable top map list/most often played. Default ON. Remember that topmaps need enabled mapstats. (Values ON|OFF)[EnableStats] - Enable or dissable creting statistics and rankings. Dissable statistics also disable commands. (Values ON|OFF)[EnableCommands] - Enable or dissable selected commands. (Values ON|OFF)[PublicDisplayStats] - Choose with statistic should be visible in public. Eg !stats(Stats) is visible but !stats <name>(StatsOther) is not. (Values ON|OFF)
procedure ActivateServer();var b: byte; Temp: TStringList;begin Generate();....
Procedure Generate();var PlayerList,PlayerTemp,MultiAccount,MultiAccountClear: TStringList; i,b,c:int64; findmulti:boolean; kd:double; licznik:integer;begin PlayerList := File.CreateStringListFromFile('nickreg/server/players.db'); MultiAccount := File.CreateStringList(); MultiAccountClear := File.CreateStringList(); c:=0; for i := 0 to PlayerList.Count-1 do begin if (File.Exists('nickreg/'+PlayerList[i])) then begin PlayerTemp := File.CreateStringListFromFile('nickreg/'+PlayerList[i]); WriteLn('---------------------------------------------------'); WriteLn('Player: '+PlayerList[i]); WriteLn('HWID: '+PlayerTemp[3]); if (MultiAccount.Count>0) then begin findmulti:=false; for b := 0 to MultiAccount.Count-1 do begin if (GetPiece(MultiAccount[b],' [¶:¶] ',0) = PlayerTemp[3]) then begin if not (ContainsString(MultiAccount[b],PlayerTemp[0])) then begin MultiAccount[b] := MultiAccount[b]+' [¶] '+PlayerTemp[0]; findmulti:=true; end; end; end; if (findmulti) then WriteLn('[+] Find multiaccounts!') else begin MultiAccount.Append(PlayerTemp[3]+' [¶:¶] '+PlayerTemp[0]); WriteLn('[-] Dont find multiaccounts.'); end; end else begin MultiAccount.Append(PlayerTemp[3]+' [¶:¶] '+PlayerTemp[0]); WriteLn('[-] Dont find multiaccounts.'); licznik:=licznik+1; end; PlayerTemp.Free; end; kd:=(i*100/(PlayerList.Count-1)); c:=c+1; if (c=Round(0.2*(PlayerList.Count-1))) then begin WriteLn(' --------- '+formatfloat('0.00',kd)+'% ---------'); Sleep(800); c:=0; end; end; if (MultiAccount.Count>0) then begin WriteLn('--------------- FINALIZATION RESULT ---------------'); c:=0; for i := 0 to MultiAccount.Count-1 do begin kd:=(i*100/(MultiAccount.Count-1)); c:=c+1; if (c=Round(0.2*(MultiAccount.Count-1))) then begin WriteLn(' --------- '+formatfloat('0.00',kd)+'% ---------'); Sleep(250); c:=0; end; if (ContainsString(MultiAccount[i],' [¶] ')) then MultiAccountClear.Append(MultiAccount[i]); end; WriteLn('--------- Go to nickreg/server/players.db ---------'); WriteLn(' '); WriteLn(' '); end; if (MultiAccountClear.Count>0) then MultiAccountClear.SaveToFile('nickreg/server/HWIDLIST.db'); PlayerList.Free; MultiAccount.Free; MultiAccountClear.Free;end;
if (GameStyle = 3) then begin for i := 1 to 32 do if (Players[i].Active) then begin if (Players[i].Team=1) then begin if (PlayerInfo[i].NickStatus) then T1:=T1+strtoint(PlayerStats[i].Points) else T1:=T1+strtoint(PointsForStart); end; if (Players[i].Team=2) then begin if (PlayerInfo[i].NickStatus) then T2:=T2+strtoint(PlayerStats[i].Points) else T2:=T2+strtoint(PointsForStart); end; end; FullPoint:=Give(iif(Players[id].Team=1,T1,T2),iif(Players[id].Team=1,T2,T1)); FullPoint:=Round(FullPoint/Trunc((Game.Teams[1].Count+Game.Teams[2].Count)/2)); for i := 1 to 32 do if (Players[i].Active) then begin if (PlayerInfo[i].NickStatus) then begin if (Players[id].Team=Players[i].Team) then begin if (id=i) then begin PlayerStats[i].Points:=inttostr(strtoint(PlayerStats[i].Points)+FullPoint+Trunc((BonusPrecentForCapperPlayer*FullPoint)/100.0)); Players[i].WriteConsole('You capture flag you get '+inttostr(FullPoint)+' pts. + '+inttostr(Trunc((BonusPrecentForCapperPlayer*FullPoint)/100.0)+' bonus for your cap.',GOOD); end else begin PlayerStats[i].Points:=inttostr(strtoint(PlayerStats[i].Points)+FullPoint); Players[i].WriteConsole('Your team capture flag you get '+inttostr(FullPoint)+' pts.',GOOD); end; end else if (Players[i].Team<3) then begin PlayerStats[i].Points:=inttostr(strtoint(PlayerStats[i].Points)-FullPoint); Players[i].WriteConsole('Enemy capture the flag you lost '+inttostr(FullPoint)+' pts.',BAD); end; UpdateNickname(i); if (lowercase(EnableTop) = lowercase('ON')) then begin if (GetPlayerStat(i, 'Human')) then UpdateRanks(i); SaveRanks(); end; end; end; end;