I think script core 3 provided ways to get player's properties,
guess it won't be hard to track player's activities.
TActivePlayer:(Track movement based on Velocity) (requires more calculations)
property VelX: Single
property VelY: Single
property X: Single
property Y: Single
(Track if player press any of below keys) (more reasonable)
property KeyUp: Boolean
property KeyLeft: Boolean
property KeyRight: Boolean
property KeyShoot: Boolean
property KeyJetpack: Boolean
property KeyGrenade: Boolean
property KeyChangeWeap: Boolean
property KeyThrow: Boolean
property KeyFlagThrow: Boolean
property KeyReload: Boolean
property KeyCrouch: Boolean
property KeyProne: Boolean
But the script might involve threading, which might create lags if the server's cpu sucks.
You will have to use threading if there're no event suited for the task.
Oh, i just figure it is not necessary to use threading. (don't even know if threading is supported)
Just go ahead and use the below events provided by SC3.
The Events that might suite the task are:TGame.OnClockTick
https://wiki.soldat.pl/index.php/TActivePlayer.OnAfterRespawnIt would be best to implement both of these events for different but similar purposes if CPU allows.