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procedure Clock(Ticks: Integer);vard: byte; // Store team's IDbegin if not forcepause then begin for d := 0 to 4 do if (Game.Teams[d].Score >= Game.ScoreLimit) then begin // Pauses the game after score limit is reached or timelimit is over Game.Paused := true; // Pause the game when the map ends UpCount := 1; // Amount of time (in seconds) that the game will be paused before /map command is executed, don't use anything below 1 or else it will loop /map command forcepause := true; // Anti-loop CheckChanged := 10; // Countdown to check if the map changed end; if (FirstEnd) and (Game.TimeLeft = 0) then begin Game.Paused := true; // Pause the game when the map ends UpCount := 1; // Amount of time (in seconds) that the game will be paused before /map command is executed, don't use anything below 1 or else it will loop /map command forcepause := true; // Anti-loop FirstEnd := false; // Read comment on var section CheckChanged := 10; // Countdown to check if the map changed end; end; if (CheckChanged = 0) and (Game.CurrentMap = SameMap) then begin forcepause := false; // Reset forcepause if map didn't change for some reason end; if (CheckChanged > 0) then begin CheckChanged := CheckChanged - 1 // Decrease map check countdown end; if UpCount > 0 then begin UpCount := UpCount - 1; // Decrease unpause countdown end else if UpCount = 0 then begin UpCount := -1; // Reset unpause countdown Players.WriteConsole('Anti nextmap bug script in action...', Color); // Heads-up to players that the script is working Map.SetMap(+TrueNM); // Change the map to the "true nextmap" according to maplist.txt end;end;
const Color = $FFFF0000; Color2 = $FFBF7F7F; var Resurrect: array[1..32] of Boolean;function CountAliveTeam(TeamID: Byte): Byte;var i: ShortInt;begin if Players.Active.Count <> 0 then for i := 0 to Players.Active.Count-1 do if (Players.Active[i].Alive) and (Players.Active[i].Team = TeamID) then Inc(Result, 1);end;function CountPlayers(): Byte;var i: ShortInt;begin if Players.Active.Count <> 0 then for i := 0 to Players.Active.Count-1 do if Players.Active[i].Team < 5 then Inc(Result, 1);end;procedure OnFlagSc(Player: TActivePlayer; Flag: TActiveFlag; Team: Byte);var AlphaAliveCount, BravoAliveCount, AllAlive: byte; ActualScore, NewScore: integer;begin AlphaAliveCount := CountAliveTeam(1); BravoAliveCount := CountAliveTeam(2); AllAlive := CountPlayers(); if AlphaAliveCount > 0 then if BravoAliveCount = 0 then begin ActualScore := Game.Teams[1].Score; NewScore := ActualScore - 1; if NewScore < 0 then NewScore := 0; if Game.Teams[1].Score = Game.ScoreLimit then begin Game.Paused := true; Game.Teams[1].Score := NewScore; Game.Paused := false; end else Game.Teams[1].Score := NewScore; if AllAlive > 1 then begin if AllAlive <> AlphaAliveCount then Players.WriteConsole('Double captures have been disabled and have no effect.', Color) else Players.WriteConsole('There is no enemy team.', Color); end else Player.WriteConsole('Stop playing with yourself loser.', Color); exit; end; if BravoAliveCount > 0 then if AlphaAliveCount = 0 then begin ActualScore := Game.Teams[2].Score; NewScore := ActualScore - 1; if NewScore < 0 then NewScore := 0; if Game.Teams[2].Score = Game.ScoreLimit then begin Game.Paused := true; Game.Teams[2].Score := NewScore; Game.Paused := false; end else Game.Teams[2].Score := NewScore; if AllAlive > 1 then begin if AllAlive <> BravoAliveCount then Players.WriteConsole('Double captures have been disabled and have no effect.', Color) else Players.WriteConsole('There is no enemy team.', Color); end else Player.WriteConsole('Stop playing with yourself loser.', Color); end;end;procedure OnJoinTeam(Player: TActivePlayer; Team: TTeam);var TempAlphaAlive, TempBravoAlive: byte; ActualScore, NewScore: integer;begin TempAlphaAlive := CountAliveTeam(1); TempBravoAlive := CountAliveTeam(2); if (Team.ID <> 5) and (Player.Alive = False) then if (((Game.Teams[1].Count = 0) and (Game.Teams[2].Count > 1)) or ((Game.Teams[2].Count = 0) and (Game.Teams[1].Count > 1)) or ((Game.Teams[1].Count = 1) and (Game.Teams[2].Count > 0)) or ((Game.Teams[2].Count = 1) and (Game.Teams[1].Count > 0))) then if (TempAlphaAlive > 0) and (TempBravoAlive = 0) then begin ActualScore := Game.Teams[1].Score; NewScore := ActualScore - 1; if NewScore < 0 then NewScore := 0; if Game.Teams[1].Score = Game.ScoreLimit then begin Game.Paused := true; Game.Teams[1].Score := NewScore; Game.Paused := false; end else Game.Teams[1].Score := NewScore; end else if (TempBravoAlive > 0) and (TempAlphaAlive = 0) then begin ActualScore := Game.Teams[2].Score; NewScore := ActualScore - 1; if NewScore < 0 then NewScore := 0; if Game.Teams[2].Score = Game.ScoreLimit then begin Game.Paused := true; Game.Teams[2].Score := NewScore; Game.Paused := false; end else Game.Teams[2].Score := NewScore; end;end;function AdmCmdSend(Player: TActivePlayer; Command: string): boolean;begin Result := false; if (LowerCase(Copy(Command, 1, 9)) = '/setscore') then begin if (StrToInt(Copy(Command, 13, Length(Command)))) < Game.ScoreLimit then begin try Game.Teams[StrToInt(Copy(Command, 11, 1))].Score := StrToInt(Copy(Command, 13, Length(Command))); except end; end else Player.WriteConsole('Please enter a value less than the capture limit', Color2); end;end;function OnDamage(Shooter, Victim: TActivePlayer; Damage: Single; BulletId: Byte): Single;begin if Resurrect[Victim.ID] then Result := 0 else Result := Damage;end;procedure OnAfterMapChange(Next: string);var i: Byte;begin for i := 1 to 32 do if (Players[i].Active) and (Players[i].Alive = false) and (Players[i].Team <> 5) then begin Resurrect[i] := true; Players[i].ChangeTeam(Players[i].Team, TJoinSilent); Resurrect[i] := false; end;end;procedure ScriptDecl;var i: Byte;begin for i := 1 to 32 do begin Players[i].OnDamage := @OnDamage; Players[i].OnFlagScore := @OnFlagSc; end; for i := 0 to 5 do Game.Teams[i].OnJoin := @OnJoinTeam; Map.OnAfterMapChange := @OnAfterMapChange; Game.OnAdminCommand := @AdmCmdSend;end;begin ScriptDecl; Players.WriteConsole('Recompile AutoScoreFix',Color2);end.
I wonder why the code in the code frame does not match the code of the download script.After my research and saveage global variables Players.Active and Players.Alive may give false values. We also discovered a problem with how colorbug is made:When the player is kicked while changing the map - or when leave and join again - but will stay in the team selection menu, and other players will join during this time then after a while he will choose a team. Teams will get buggy and for some you will become invisible or you will not see others and the colors will mix up so you can also get a radar hack in realistic mode.Once upon a time I created such a script: - Prevents double caps in survival mode. - Prevents players from dying when changing maps. - Add /setscore <team_ID> <score_num> for admins. - Fix problem when players join when all one team dead and give free score for team. (Destroying the team's scoreboard when joining to team)So it basically does all the same and more.Code: [Select]const Color = $FFFF0000; Color2 = $FFBF7F7F; var Resurrect: array[1..32] of Boolean;function CountAliveTeam(TeamID: Byte): Byte;var i: ShortInt;begin if Players.Active.Count <> 0 then for i := 0 to Players.Active.Count-1 do if (Players.Active[i].Alive) and (Players.Active[i].Team = TeamID) then Inc(Result, 1);end;function CountPlayers(): Byte;var i: ShortInt;begin if Players.Active.Count <> 0 then for i := 0 to Players.Active.Count-1 do if Players.Active[i].Team < 5 then Inc(Result, 1);end;procedure OnFlagSc(Player: TActivePlayer; Flag: TActiveFlag; Team: Byte);var AlphaAliveCount, BravoAliveCount, AllAlive: byte; ActualScore, NewScore: integer;begin AlphaAliveCount := CountAliveTeam(1); BravoAliveCount := CountAliveTeam(2); AllAlive := CountPlayers(); if AlphaAliveCount > 0 then if BravoAliveCount = 0 then begin ActualScore := Game.Teams[1].Score; NewScore := ActualScore - 1; if NewScore < 0 then NewScore := 0; if Game.Teams[1].Score = Game.ScoreLimit then begin Game.Paused := true; Game.Teams[1].Score := NewScore; Game.Paused := false; end else Game.Teams[1].Score := NewScore; if AllAlive > 1 then begin if AllAlive <> AlphaAliveCount then Players.WriteConsole('Double captures have been disabled and have no effect.', Color) else Players.WriteConsole('There is no enemy team.', Color); end else Player.WriteConsole('Stop playing with yourself loser.', Color); exit; end; if BravoAliveCount > 0 then if AlphaAliveCount = 0 then begin ActualScore := Game.Teams[2].Score; NewScore := ActualScore - 1; if NewScore < 0 then NewScore := 0; if Game.Teams[2].Score = Game.ScoreLimit then begin Game.Paused := true; Game.Teams[2].Score := NewScore; Game.Paused := false; end else Game.Teams[2].Score := NewScore; if AllAlive > 1 then begin if AllAlive <> BravoAliveCount then Players.WriteConsole('Double captures have been disabled and have no effect.', Color) else Players.WriteConsole('There is no enemy team.', Color); end else Player.WriteConsole('Stop playing with yourself loser.', Color); end;end;procedure OnJoinTeam(Player: TActivePlayer; Team: TTeam);var TempAlphaAlive, TempBravoAlive: byte; ActualScore, NewScore: integer;begin TempAlphaAlive := CountAliveTeam(1); TempBravoAlive := CountAliveTeam(2); if (Team.ID <> 5) and (Player.Alive = False) then if (((Game.Teams[1].Count = 0) and (Game.Teams[2].Count > 1)) or ((Game.Teams[2].Count = 0) and (Game.Teams[1].Count > 1)) or ((Game.Teams[1].Count = 1) and (Game.Teams[2].Count > 0)) or ((Game.Teams[2].Count = 1) and (Game.Teams[1].Count > 0))) then if (TempAlphaAlive > 0) and (TempBravoAlive = 0) then begin ActualScore := Game.Teams[1].Score; NewScore := ActualScore - 1; if NewScore < 0 then NewScore := 0; if Game.Teams[1].Score = Game.ScoreLimit then begin Game.Paused := true; Game.Teams[1].Score := NewScore; Game.Paused := false; end else Game.Teams[1].Score := NewScore; end else if (TempBravoAlive > 0) and (TempAlphaAlive = 0) then begin ActualScore := Game.Teams[2].Score; NewScore := ActualScore - 1; if NewScore < 0 then NewScore := 0; if Game.Teams[2].Score = Game.ScoreLimit then begin Game.Paused := true; Game.Teams[2].Score := NewScore; Game.Paused := false; end else Game.Teams[2].Score := NewScore; end;end;function AdmCmdSend(Player: TActivePlayer; Command: string): boolean;begin Result := false; if (LowerCase(Copy(Command, 1, 9)) = '/setscore') then begin if (StrToInt(Copy(Command, 13, Length(Command)))) < Game.ScoreLimit then begin try Game.Teams[StrToInt(Copy(Command, 11, 1))].Score := StrToInt(Copy(Command, 13, Length(Command))); except end; end else Player.WriteConsole('Please enter a value less than the capture limit', Color2); end;end;function OnDamage(Shooter, Victim: TActivePlayer; Damage: Single; BulletId: Byte): Single;begin if Resurrect[Victim.ID] then Result := 0 else Result := Damage;end;procedure OnAfterMapChange(Next: string);var i: Byte;begin for i := 1 to 32 do if (Players[i].Active) and (Players[i].Alive = false) and (Players[i].Team <> 5) then begin Resurrect[i] := true; Players[i].ChangeTeam(Players[i].Team, TJoinSilent); Resurrect[i] := false; end;end;procedure ScriptDecl;var i: Byte;begin for i := 1 to 32 do begin Players[i].OnDamage := @OnDamage; Players[i].OnFlagScore := @OnFlagSc; end; for i := 0 to 5 do Game.Teams[i].OnJoin := @OnJoinTeam; Map.OnAfterMapChange := @OnAfterMapChange; Game.OnAdminCommand := @AdmCmdSend;end;begin ScriptDecl; Players.WriteConsole('Recompile AutoScoreFix',Color2);end.