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CentOS 5.8libiodbc completely installed (also re-installed)$LD_LIBRARY_PATH correctmysql-connector-odbc installed 3.51 64btested with mysql-connector-odbc 5.2 64b3.51 32b and 5.2 32b
(20:12:17) /drivers (*.*.*.*)(20:12:17) No ODBC drivers installed!
(20:12:22) Data source name not found and no default driver specified. Driver could not be loaded
-= Soldat Dedicated Server 1.6.8 - 2.7.8 =----------------------------------------------------------------- Soldat Dedicated Server initializing...---------------------------------------------------------------- Need help running your server? IRC: #soldat.devs @ irc.quakenet.org ---> http://forums.soldat.pl/ Additional parameters: ./soldatserver -p PORT -l MAXPLAYERS -k PASSWORD Example: ./soldatserver -p 23073 -l 16 -k "my pass" Compiled with FreePascal (Indy 10) Hit CTRL+C to Exit Please command the server using the Soldat Admin programWelcome to Soldat 1.6.8 Server name: Soldat Server Server PID: 6217 [*] Compiling stats -> libdb_linux.pas... [*] Compiling stats -> stats.pas... [*] stats -> Cannot Import dll:libdb-0.2.so [*] Disabling stats----------------------------------------------------------------Mapslist loaded mapslistctf_nothard Server IP: Port: 23073 Connection for file server started. Port: 23083Registering server @
Hello,I have some problems with running soldatserver with this lib:Code: [Select] -= Soldat Dedicated Server 1.6.8 - 2.7.8 =----------------------------------------------------------------- Soldat Dedicated Server initializing...---------------------------------------------------------------- Need help running your server? IRC: #soldat.devs @ irc.quakenet.org ---> http://forums.soldat.pl/ Additional parameters: ./soldatserver -p PORT -l MAXPLAYERS -k PASSWORD Example: ./soldatserver -p 23073 -l 16 -k "my pass" Compiled with FreePascal (Indy 10) Hit CTRL+C to Exit Please command the server using the Soldat Admin programWelcome to Soldat 1.6.8 Server name: Soldat Server Server PID: 6217 [*] Compiling stats -> libdb_linux.pas... [*] Compiling stats -> stats.pas... [*] stats -> Cannot Import dll:libdb-0.2.so [*] Disabling stats----------------------------------------------------------------Mapslist loaded mapslistctf_nothard Server IP: Port: 23073 Connection for file server started. Port: 23083Registering server @ have debian 7 64bitlibdb-0.2.so is placed in soldatserver root folderalso in:/var/lib/libdb-0.2.so/etc/lib/libdb-0.2.so/lib64/libdb-0.2.so/lib/libdb-0.2.so/usr/local/lib/libdb-0.2.so/usr/lib/libdb-0.2.soDo you have any ideas why it doesn't work?
Hello,I have some problems with running soldatserver with this lib:
Can you paste the output of "ldd libdb-0.2.so" in your soldat's root folder?
libodbc.so.1 => not found
Btw, I've updated notes section to make it more specific about dependencies.
if DB_NextRow(0) <> 0 then// andif DB_NextRow(0) = 0 then
if DB_NextRow(0) then// andif not DB_NextRow(0) then
{ Database plugins enumeration for the DB_Open() function }type TDatabasePluginType = (DB_Plugin_Undefined, DB_Plugin_ODBC, DB_Plugin_SQLite, DB_Plugin_PostgreSQL, DB_Plugin_MySQL);{ Database column types enumeration for the DB_ColumnType() function }type TDatabaseColumnType = (DB_Type_Undefined, DB_Type_Long, DB_Type_String, DB_Type_Float, DB_Type_Double, DB_Type_Quad);