A script that restore how nade/med-kits were supposed to be spawned.
It'll gather all the spawn points, and then assign team based on shortest distance to whichever flag.
Then it'll only spawn nades/meds kits at your own teams spawn points, that you pick up.
It'll also not allow a med/nade kit to be spawned to the closest spawn location to where it was picked up from.
So it should work with all maps, but if you do something weird with the kit spawns (they fall down into the same place) they might only spawn at one of the valid points.
This uses legacy, there isn't sufficient documentation on SC3 to only use it.
The larger kits.pas has removed a couple of useless variables, and uses just temp := nades/meds instead of manual copying values. Not entirely sure if it works as it should (seems to), I don't know how pascal works with value/reference.
It also has a const num that decided the size of the arrays, 4-6 is probably enough but set to 12 now (older is 32).
It takes in admin command or tcpmessage, with '/kitsON', '/kitsOFF', and '/kitsToggle', where it'll turn the script on/off/toggle. If it's Off it'll still be "active", but there's a boolean check wheter to do special kit spawning, and if it should use special kit spawning at the start of map change.
Whenever it's turned on it'll remove all kits in the game and replace it with new ones, basically resetting all kits.