All these cool things, happening on the DesertWind map:
1: I accidentally threw a grenade near the rock on the bottom right corner of the map. the 'nade bounced and killed an enemy behind me.
2: My favourite soldat moment. I was jumping in the air at he bottom middle of the map, from left to right, making an arc. Three people above me (on the two rock platform areas) jumped from platform to platform in combat. While still making an arc, I killed all three of them (triple kill) inbetween their jump and their landing (with a Spas).
3: On the bottom middle of the map was a person shooting someone in the far right corner. I was in the far left. I ran and jumped over the guy in the middle, killed the guy in the far right while in midair, and 'naded the guy in the middle while I still had the chance to aim in slowmo.
Glee! Unfortunately, no pictures...