Hey all, i know im pretty new to these forums. Ive been playing soldat for about 7 months now and like to think of myself as good.
Me and a mate made the Clan Black Alpha and it has only been us for about 4 weeks now
Black Alpha is a capture the flag clan. We ALWAYS join alpha and always never hack. We are for fun only no tournaments
We have helped wint many ctf games through our tactics
-Mostly a 3:1 or 2:1 kill death ratio
we understand if you have a bad day lol, we all do
-MUST be able to take orders
-Hybrid or especially good with one weapon.
-Prefferably around the same timezone as us +10GMT, Aussie
DrMatt - Clan Leader
Hoopstar - Co Leader
Contact -
drmatt001@hotmail.com (Email first then add me to MSN Mess.)
Ill then interview you (tryouts)
Of yet we dont have a server.