Hello this is |:CB:| Killing the leader of |:CB:| CoLd BlOoDeD clan...if your wondering what happened to ChAmOrRo he quit the clan and gave me leadership (I`d like to thank him for that) but now I still need clan members. here are all the information about us...
Our clan tag: |:CB:|
Our clan name: |:CB:| CoLd BlOoDeD
Our clan leader: Me,|:CB:| Killingdog
How to contact me: by E-mail
Our clan age:2 months old.
Our favourite gamemode are: R/S teamatches and R/S ctf
Equipment:we don`t have much,we don't pay for our servers,I have to start one with soldat.
A good player who respects his teamate and leader.
There are currently 4 members
Where/how a tryout is available:
I don`t know when because i live in Guam,but i know how,i will tell you a password for the server and then i Will start the server it will be named "|:CB:| tryout server.
We need player with good ski ls with:Barrets,Steyrs, D eagles, LAWs, Minimis, and HKs.
Clan results:None so far. Except match ivory but that was when the old leader |:CB:| ChAmOrRo was still leader...and I never was officially in the clan yet...
Aims of the clan: The 1st founder of |:CB:| CoLd BlOoDeD (|:CB:| ChAmOrRo) wanted to be the best clan ever made. that is still the main aim of the clan
Clan members: There are currently 4 members (including me)
they are: Me, the leader |:CB:| Killingdog
|:CB:| Emman554
|:CB:| Hoofakiller
* means you are required to fill this out.
*DOB (Just Month And Day):
*Soldat Name:
*Favorite Weapons:
*Favorite Maps:
How long do you play:
Favorite Gamemodes:
Any clan you were in:
In 1 sentence why you should be in our clan:
From 1 to 10 what would you rank yourself in Soldat:
...So if ur a player seeking a clan please visit our homepage at