Author Topic: The Ruger  (Read 27578 times)

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Offline Juggernaut

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Re: The Ruger
« Reply #60 on: June 17, 2006, 12:19:14 pm »
Quote Tacklebeast666:
I don't know if you suck or anything like that, but when i use an auto i use less than half of the bullets to kill the enemy, either that or i'll be dead before i use half of my clip. so no it's not fair to use 3/4, and it's very hard to hit 3 out of 4 as well with a ruger.

I think 3/4 is extremely fair, considering you can fire all 4 bullets in just about 4 seconds. True, maybe with some autos you can fire a  whole clip in roughly 4 seconds, but does each bullet do approx. 50% damage? and the ruger has the reload time of an auto. i think no one can complain as a ruger "not good enough". it is already a very good weapon. and if your not good with it? i recommend using barret for afew hours. get the feel of a straight-shooting rifle where hte bullet goes very fast through the air. when you start owning people with the gun, transition into the ruger. the arc is not quite as straight, but when you get used to it, the ruger turns into an auto-sniper with 4 bullets and a great reload time. that is my opinion on the ruger. DON'T CHANGE IT. IF ITS NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU, PRACTICE IT OR LEAVE IT ALONE.

from your post I know you havn't really practiced a ruger before....maybe you should try it out before you say stuff like "don't change it, if it's not good enough for you, practice it or leave it alone."

just try it yourself....when i use the ruger, i have to constantly aim for headshots to maintain a two hit kill. if i hit leg both times (happens a lot if i'm below him), and with a little lag, sometimes it takes full clip to kil anyone.

and have you tried to never miss with a ruger?...hard ain't it.

and no i don't believe ruger bullets are 50% damage, it is if it's headshot, but it's definately less if only a torso shot, and definately much less if it's a leg shot.

sometimes i even had two head shot, and the enemy end up having 1 hp and got killed instantly by a mp5 behind me who just fired a random array of bullets.

with an auto, yes it takes a lot of skills, but you can afford to miss a few bullets.
with ruger, if you miss at pretty much dies, and if you do get lucky you might end up with one kill before death.

Offline Wormdundee

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Re: The Ruger
« Reply #61 on: June 17, 2006, 04:15:07 pm »
Ok, with all these suggestions going around...some don't make any sense at all.

Someone said take out one of the bullets from the magazine? A 3 shot gun that takes 2 hits to kill is useless.

Anyways, I've been thinking about it a bit, and I think if you just give it one extra bullet, that should be good. Don't change the power or anything like that, maybe tone down the bink on it a bit, but that's it.

The problem for me is, I can't really say how hard it would be for someone new to the game to use since I've been using it for so long. For all the people who don't regularly use it, could you please try it out for a quick couple matches and then just post in here if it was easy to get kills, or hard or what.

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Offline Drakor

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Re: The Ruger
« Reply #62 on: June 17, 2006, 10:08:51 pm »
I dont use ruger much i tried it a few times, and it seems... true that its powerful, but POWER means nothing if you cant hit. I think that the extra bullet would be too much of an advantage... perhaps removing 8~ damage, and adding an extra bullet from the default. the lower damage would make it so if you got legshots, you would NEED that last bullet,  but at a low enough price to make it still just a little more effective otherwise.
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Re: The Ruger
« Reply #63 on: June 17, 2006, 10:14:54 pm »
If you guys played realistic, no one would think the ruger is underpowered.  I use it a lot becuase in realistic 1 shot in the head or a slightly wounded enemy kills.  With 4 shots I can almost always get at least 3 kills in a firefight.

Offline Juggernaut

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Re: The Ruger
« Reply #64 on: June 17, 2006, 11:21:22 pm »
that's one of the problem we're having right now.

it's too cheap in realistic, it seems everyone will just grab a ruger now days when they go "omg, that's it, it's on, i'm gonna use ruger now", and they will eventually reach very high scores because it's so easy and cheap to use. two hit max, and one hit if you try to aim at upperbody at all.


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Re: The Ruger
« Reply #65 on: June 18, 2006, 12:24:31 am »
Will people stop talking about this weapon in realistic mode they are completely different. I do believe this balance is being judged by and for the normal version maybe you rs guys will  get your own  balance in a future version.