1. Is it possible for bots to call names? Like i know there's already a "Die <name>!" bot chat by default. Can I place that in my bot's other chats? like "<name> is hacking!", "I hate you <name>!!", or "stfu <name>"
2. Multiple phrases. I read in a older post that when editing bots you can write Chat_Kill= multiple times and the game will pick one of the phrases at random. I was unable to perform this as soldat won't read my bot file. Even while using the /addbot command. Has this ever been clarified? Can it work?
3. Any way to get the bots chat to be listed at the top of the screen? I am able to see it when i join a server with bots. How can I list the bots chat myself? I also noticed that the bot chat is listed at the top if you use ^ (caret key) in front of their chat to resemble team chat. Of course its yellow like normal team chat, but I want the normal 'everyone' chat to show up.
4. Any way to Change the bots default chat? I know they say things like "Flag!" when they see the flag, or "Die <name>!" when they spot someone. I want to change it to "^Return the flag!" or "omg <name> is gay!"