Are you ever able to get any good demos? The most amazing things happen when you least expect them. So you never know when something cool, worth recording, will happen. I mean, yea when it's like a 3v3, you have the flag, and your teammates can't get the efc, so you decide to go into the enemy base all by yourself to get it back, that's worth recording. Or when you are about to take an impossible shot. But those rarely work out when you are recording. I never seem to get any good demos. There are times when I do something cool, but I don't expect it, and obviously I don't record those times. This game is too fast paced to predict when you will catch a good demo.
Why doesn't MM do it like in GTA for instance. The game is always recording. It records about a minute and starts overwritting it. So you can always playback and save the last minute of play. This would make it much easier to record amazing demos.